Jed Rothwell wrote:

The Google Alerts program brought me the following link:

I am not a subscriber to, so I do not know what the article says, but Google brought me a partial quote:

"Physics: Far from the frontier (subscription) - London,England,UK

... problem with reports of tabletop fusion is that for most scientists they evoke memories of the notorious, and now largely discredited, 'cold fusion' claim made ... "

Note that it says: "now largely discredited . . ." Perhaps it is my imagination, but I detect a slight change in emphasis. Unfortunately, at this rate it will take a hundred years for Nature to admit its mistake.

- Jed

Make that two hundred years they have a back log including Plate Tectonics, Junk DNA, etc. Nature is never the first journal to come around. It prides itself on being the last. If it gets in nature its deemed to be part of the paradigm. As a consequence they will never catch up.

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