Here is another article on Tamiflu, which although seemingly slanted both ways - towards, and against, our favorite drug-monopoly - Roche - is more balanced than the typical pro-Tam spin:
But the disguised-spin here, and avoidance of the newer evidence, is still ingrained. If you want to learn more about the "how-to" of high-level spin... i.e. how you can use "reverse-psychology" to your benefit, and especially the use of "scare tactics," to create either national solidarity or a demand for the very "product" you seem to be "dissing" - there is a collection of the English translations of GoebbelsÂ’ Nazi propaganda material, including weekly articles for "Das Reich," online:

Cheney/ Rumsfeld & Co are able-students of this material and of all reverse psychology ploys ("please don't throw me in the briar patch") as are protoges: "Scooter" and Karl. Despite the fact that our Prez, and many for-real Public health experts, warn that the world might be close to a repeat of the flu pandemic of 1918, could it instead be closer to the rebirth -and the planned-reprise of the 1976 soap-opera - the "pandemic that wasn't "? 
That porker, you may remember was designed to unite the country behind its failing leadership, and divert attention away from the horrible economic repercussions of the post-Nam era. That is the year President Gerald Ford announced a crash program to "inoculate every man, woman and child in the United States" against the so-called "swine flu." But the virus never became a killer, more like a stand-up comedy routine - and vaccinations were halted two months after they began, after reports that 500 people who received the shot developed a paralyzing nerve disease and more than 30 of them died.
Lesson #1 for the sequel of this previous 1976 spin-episode is... ta-da... this time we must give them something which is a bit less potentially harmful (and more financial remunerative) not-to-mention get the public attention away from that damn grand jury thing.
Curiously ... artist/photog Richard Avedon has a new offering of fine photos out just now, entitled: Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, Washington D.C., May 7, 1976
Coincidencental?.. or was 1976 just a training-run for the Rummy grand-finale...

I bring up this possible Goebble-esque machination, of what could just be another normal flu-season- and the possibility that there now exists a possible "manufactured" scare tactic in palce (but improved spin over 1976 version) - not only because of the double Rummy-whammy... but also, in a more personal vein. The only time I ever actually caught the flu, and it was horrible, was back in the previous-to-'76 scare, in the sixties - and in basic training at Ft.Leonard Wood two weeks after receiving a mandatory flu shot. Lord knows, we did not want to ship-out any of our fine young boys unprotected, going over there to southeast Asia, and have them catching the flu before they could kill-and-be-killed by the red-commie-infidels. Funny they didn't even think about malaria.

If scientists were so very wrong in the previous pandemic scares, like 1976 and the lesser ones before and since, and if the "shot itself" often transmits the (supposedly incapacitated) virus - could they be wrong now? I know that Tamiflu is not "supposed to" contain any incapacitated virus, but I'm not sure I want to be the guinea-pig (sorry porksie) for that kind of proposition once again - even if they are given out for free. Maybe that is why the spinners chose a foreign middleman company (should things go wrong).
Some arguments being made about "why" a pandemic is looming now - echo those made three decades ago. But many experts with big-Gov and CDC say the situation now is different enough - that a "false alarm" is less likely: So just be good little obedient citizens and do not complain about the $8 billion, or more, which we are sending over to Roche/Gilead. Riggggght...
...experts covering the backside of previous experts.
Not to mention - a possible behind the scene manipulation, by someone's spin-machine. And BTW did you notice that Roche itself may have been carefully picked-out, among all possible drug comapnies, to handle being the middle-man for Gilead - because of its location? Not that the royalty checks will go into a hidden Swiss bank account, or anything like that.

Anyway, "We just know a lot more about the influenza virus than we did in 1976," said Ira M. Longini Jr., a professor at Emory University who is an expert on epidemics. Still, a lot can be learned both from what did and did not happen back then. The 1976 scare started in February when a handful of soldiers at Fort Dix in New Jersey got sick and one of them died. Scientists determined that the virus was one that infected pigs and was different from the human influenza viruses circulating then. The details are eerily similar to today's situation with a 30 year fast forward. But one reason for the previous concern was that scientists thought the 1918 pandemic had been caused by a swine virus, and that the Fort Dix outbreak marked its second coming. Furthermore, experts warned that pandemics tended to be cyclical and that another one was about due.
Yup, cyclical and past due. Has a nice ring to it and a cachet of believability.

Today, thanks to genetic analysis - a technique not available in 1976 - scientists know the 1918 virus was a bird virus that mutated. Yeah. But yet there is still the "vector" involving pigs - Porksie notwithstanding. You see, most scientists agree that swine can be infected by either the avian virus, or the human virus BUT and this is a key point - the swine who can catch both types seldom die from it - instead they harbor it and give it time to mutate - while there fat little bodies are happily producing 10-20 grams per day of vitamin C, so that they usually do not succumb to the illness - only allow it to become much more virulent for humans. About the same thing which happens when some folks get Tamiflu and return to work and give it to those who do not.

So now, there is concern that the H5N1 avian strain ravaging birds in Asia could in like fashion evolve into a form that can spread easily among porkers and then people, after proper mutation. The avian strain already shows some mutations similar to those in the 1918 virus, said Jeffery K. Taubenberger of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. And experts are again warning that the world is overdue for a pandemic. Is this part of the Rumsflu spin, or no?

Edwin M. Kilbourne, a professor emeritus at New York Medical College who argued for the vaccination program in 1976, said there was actually less reason to be concerned about a pandemic today. That is because the swine flu virus at Fort Dix clearly passed easily from person to person, while the current avian flu has not. Is that part of the reverse psychology Rumsflu spin, or no?

Many experts disagree with either characterization, however. In retrospect, they say, the 1976 decision to vaccinate was based on zero solid evidence, and may have been influenced by political realities.  
"Part of the problem was convictions outpacing evidence," said Harvey V. Fineberg, president of the Institute of Medicine, part of the National Academies, and co-author of "The Epidemic That Never Was," a book about the 1976 experience.
"I don't think that's happening today," he adds.
Well, with all due respect Harvey, have you read the "program"? Same cast, different story-line?
Harry Tuttle,  Ing. and MD-S (spin-doctor)

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