> From: Jed Rothwell 
> > Horace wrote:
> >Jed,
> >
> >The JLN's MAHD does NOT disassociate water!  The water
> > is merely a cooling medium for the anode.
> Well, I figured as much.
> >The heat in the MAHD is generated in a gaseous hydrogen
> > at 0.1atm pressure between inner heated cathode and
> > outer cold anode. This is essentially a 
> >vacuum tube, but without electrical HV polarization
> > between cathode and anode. . . .
> Thanks. That is clearer than anything I can find on
> Naudin's website. Can you tell us why they vary the flow
> of water? And how? It must be a feedback mechanism.
> They should make this thing self-sustain. At these
> temperatures and power levels it should not be hard to
> find a Stirling engine generator or something like that.
> - Jed

I think it bares repeating at this point in time that we have heard very little 
concerning the status of MAHG since summer, or at least what has been placed 
out at Naudin's web site. Many many moons have crossed the skies since the last 
intriguing updates titillated protracted discussions within the Vort group.

I seem to recall that many questions had been raised in regards to how certain 
COP values were derived. Doubts were voiced, as well as they should be. AFAIK, 
there have been no definitive responses from JLN labs (or from anyone who might 
be in a position to know) that might help resolve most of those questions 
spelled out in this discussion group.

That fact that we have heard nothing since summer does not, IMHO, bode well 
with the alleged veracity of the claims attributed to the MAHG.

With that said, nothing would please me more than to have my cynicism proven 
dead wrong.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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