Is it a "hallowed dream" or a "hollow dream" that the
solution to the energy crisis in right around the

Guess you noticed that-one is apropos for the season
and another version of trick-or-treat, but just
imagine a GM mod to skippy with about 400 ft-lbs of
torque  ;-) 

BTW, in one of the vagaries of converting
fern-pronunciation into spelling, "Samhain" is
pronounced as "sow-en"... it is the Celtic predecessor
to you-know-what. Younger Vo's may not realize that
not long ago, in the '50s-60s, there was real concern
in the USA on a national level, that this night was
being taken over by thugs and anarchists and might
evolve into something really horrific.

Many of this year's less-threatening neighborhood-kid
participants will be dressed-up as a certain freakish
character, which is a product of human inventiveness,
fostered upon an evolutionary "medium." Which brings
up the literary point that Mary Shelley's famous novel
is probably the most misunderstood piece in all of
fiction. Her scientist, Victor Frankenstein, claimed
"benevolent" intentions; and she even subtitled her
novel "The Modern Prometheus." 

Vic's biggest problem was arrogance, but that puts him
in good company with 99% of all scientists, most of
whom are able, these days, to thinly disguise it a
little better than in the past. From there on, as far 
as Franky is concerned, Hollywood takes over... but
now with genetic engineering, we may be poised to
bring some life back into the idea of a useful
manufactured life-form - not so much as a human
replacement (not now, at least) but in simpler guise
as an advanced energy source.

According to Greek myth, Prometheus stole "fire" from
the gods. As punishment, he was chained to a rock,
where an eagle each day plucked at his liver. This
says more about the sad state of Greek theology than
about human arrogance. Haughty Prometheus sought fire
for good reasons, however: human betterment - one must
surmise, and that should not be at odds with any
modern concept of ID.

Anyway, the modern manifestation of this
arrogant-scientist stealing-secrets is proceeding on
many fronts, despite protests from those who think we
should not tamper with life-forces. We already have
options of harvesting either hydrogen or fuel-alcohols
from genetically modified single-celled life. These
fuels could be converted in a fuel cell for

But why not dispense with the need for the fuel cell?
We know many life forms can convert carbos directly
into electric charge - isn't that the next
Franken-step in the natural progression of playing-god
- harvesting the charge directly rather than reforming

Halloween actually has some of its origins in the
Catholic Church attempting to co-opt a pagan holiday
(if you can't beat'em, join 'em)- and now this
"holiday" has evolved into a Franken-form of "All
Saints Day." Celtic myth, in contrast, says that on
Samhain the disembodied spirits of all those who had
died throughout the preceding year, and failed to be
reincarnated, would come back in search of living
bodies to "possess". It was believed to be their only
hope for the afterlife. The Celts believed all laws of
space and time were suspended during this one
interface in time, allowing the spirit world to
intermingle with the living for a few hours at the end
of harvest on Oct 31.

This is an interesting starting point for a revised
mythology. And since this Irish have always been able
to tolerate eels as an energy (food) resource, it
might be re-worked somehow into future avenue for
bio-technology. Already genes from "Electrophorus
electricus" (aka the electric eel) have been
genetically modified with mutants and place in plants
for certain purposes, not involving electricity per
se.  The protein kinases and acetylcholinesterase
pathways which nature has perfected over billions of
years in the electric eel and other species is an
asset - even if we put them into another simpler
life-form for the express purpose of creating electric
charge - which is after all kind of the reverse of the
way old Victor got his protoge motivated.

Wouldn't it be nice to power the house and maybe the
car with grass clipping put into a computer-controlled
bio-reactor, and with nothing else to worry about. 

On a lighter note, I am clearly not an agent
provocateur for the AAEEP, you know, the Association
For The Advancement Of Electric Eel Power. What this
is about is putting those modified genes into Alga or
some-such (talk about tight-fitting genes)

OK. Now that the enegy-problem has been solved ...
what to provide the trick-or-treaters? Exhausted


Credits: Yes hamsters are just one more instance of
bio-engineering progress - following this bit of
brilliant insight from a very odd newsgroup, by one
zooby - who should be a frequent vo-poster: 

"Since the domestication of the hamster and similar
creatures who demonstrate a proclivity for running in
wheels that go nowhere and do nothing, mankind has
dreamed of the day technology would evolve to the
degree that this wasted energy could be tapped and
turned into a useful source of power." 

Engineer DanF, staffmember of the
organization, has succeeded in isolating and
overcoming all the final hurdles that have been
standing in the way of utilization of this important
power source, and created a means for his stalwart
hamster, Skippy, to generate electricity.

The primary problem has always been that hamsters
don't turn their wheels at fast enough revolutions per
minute to operate conventional alternators or
generators. DanF's breakthrough was in the design of a
special low-RPM alternator which overcomes the
inherent slowness of the hamster by greatly increasing
the number of North and South poles that pass the
stationary coils per revolution. In this way Skippy
has been enabled to generate current at a pressure of
two volts!

Skippy now effortlessly lights two red LEDs without
breaking a sweat. Advanced tests have shown that he is
able to light as many as six LEDs with no apparent
Now just wait (weight) untill we get skippy tipping
the scales at a couple of tons - tha's what I'm
talkin' about...  I think that the transition to GM
hamster power is a forgone conclusion.

OTOH in the event of some oversight, will power
outages sweep the nations if freed hamsters revert to
their savage nature and run wild in the streets,
attacking the ankles of their former taskmasters.

Not since Thomas Edison's concerted attack on
Alternating Current, when he falsely claimed that with
AC everyone would be getting electrocuted, have I seen
such dastardly propaganda. 

The facts:
Hamsters are noramlly cute and furry and friendly.
There is just no downside to hamster power except GM,
so forget the mods and go natural... Coming soon:
Patent #4,699,216.7  Electric Hamster Prod for
increased power output from your Hamster Generator

Second Law arguments may apply in some states. 
OTOH...few will use the hamster prod once they realise
it takes more energy to operate once than you can get
out of a hamster in a week, and electric eels can do
it for a fraction of the carbos.

Sure, there's alot of power available from the average
electric eel, but they're not cute, and you can't pet
them. They require expensive, massive water-filled
containment facilities. Electric eel power will just
lead to more big, price-controling, centralized
utility companies since people won't want to keep them
in their homes. 

With electric eel power, every side is a down side
unless we removed the genes... and the is tantamount
to porno - no? 

Enuf already, I got the seasonal Franken-laugh (or
gimace) in. 

Let's get back to more normal irrationality for a while.

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