No apologies required when you keep hammering home the mechanics and the science of this energy theme.
Thanks for the insight that hopefully will be a prod if for no other purpose than to focus attention on the progress being made in France and Canada.
 We have stumblebums in Washington that are ducking into cracks. Wasn't " Scooter" Libby the lawyer that got Mark Rich the pardon by Clinton. Talk about weird. People complain about the "looting" that happened in New Orleans after the storm but the real looting has been in Washington. No wonder that progress in energy has fled the USA.. We are now sending 1 billion dollars per day to Iraq ( Bill O'Reilly show report) and a major part of each dollar is not being accounted for. If Jones and Richard tried this stunt they would have us both serving in prison 35 years for illegal competition .
The mention of the word Westinghouse brought my thoughts to the people that led Westinghouse down the tube. In the early 1970's , our systems shop in Houston worked very close with some of the brightest at Westinghouse. They had the reputation of having the best engineering minds in the business. Within 3 years every one of the brightest had left Westinghouse as the company started going down the tube.
They had it all, the magic and the resources.. but... squandered it all away with " get rich quick" schemes and discarding science while focusing on the stock price. They were going to corner the world market for uranium ore and wound up on the trash heap of missed opportunities.


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