Jones wrote..

Hey, Vo's - let's hear your Top ten list of "Strange bedfellows"

I'll start things off in a non-partisan way with

10. Dubya and Conde
9.   Bill and Hillary
8.   Bill and Scooter
7.   Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor
6.   Rock Hudson and Doris Day (who woulda ever guessed?)
5.   Anwar al-Sadat and Menachem Begin

any takers??

I'll take a shot at # 5,

In 1982, we went to New Orleans to bid a package controls systems, electrical switchgear and electronics on two huge grain silos to be built in Egypt and funded by EDA. These silos were to receive the grain shipments per week into perpretuity promised Egypt as part of the deal to get Sadat to shake hands with Begin at the White House ceremony with Prez Jimmie Carter.  Us being naive ole Texas country boys that though the world wuz run on the level, we and 12 other competitors entered our bids and sat in the bid opening. Shazzaam ! The low bidder, a New Orleans good ole boy , came in almost a 1/3 of what everyone else bid. As we rode down on the elevator, one bidder from Dallas remarked.. did you ever get the feeling we were looking at a completely different set of contract drawings? The Engineer was the Corps of Engineers USA but subbed the engineering to a Baton Rouge consulting engineering firm. Later I heard the rumor that the contractor was awarded numerous change orders to suppliment his contract.

Where is this story leading?  hmmm.. The Port of Houston has been shipping grain to Egypt at the rate of TWO free ships a week since the 1980's... but.. that has now been increased to FOUR free ships per week. After all Egypt has the highest birthrate and largest population of the Arab middle east Muslim nations and they only want us to keep our handshake deal. Jimme Carter paid the price for that gesture later by the Iranians holding our embassy people hostage. Later Reagan brokered a deal with Egypt to keep the grain flowing if Egypt would put in a good word to Iran to play the great game. All of which led to the later Iran- Contra scandel, Oiley North Bush One took a Mad Magazine approach  uttering .. who me?


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