RC Macaulay wrote:

Jed , I sent a link to our high speed unit at the shop. A PFD file of 2.74 mb is a little high for the boonies.

Oops. I did not notice it came out so big. I will try to slim it down.

In a few words would you give us your thoughts on WHY?? the enemies of CF are such. What drives these people ? Hatred alone cannot account for their energy and dedication . You have studied this question at length and may have the best insight.

I think the best way to find out is to ask the skeptics themselves. Read the books by Huizenga and Hoffman, and the comments by the DoE review panel member #7, here:


They say that they oppose cold fusion because they are sure it is false. They feel it violates basic laws of physics, it simply cannot be real, and it is a waste of time and resources to study such things. They react the way you or I would if someone proposed building a human-powered propeller-driven machine to fly to the moon.

Srinivasan told me that the guy who crushed cold fusion research in India felt this way. In Japan a famous professor named Arima has been on the warpath against cold fusion from day one, and he has often used his influence to deny funding and attack researchers. He says the whole idea of cold fusion is preposterous and impossible and it should not be taken seriously for one second.

I assume these people mean what they say. I have no reason to think they are being dishonest, or hiding their motivations. Some people have suggested that the opposition to cold fusion is coming from vested interests in the oil industry. I doubt that. My impression is that no one in the fossil fuel industry takes cold fusion seriously enough to oppress it.

The only people with a vested interest in opposing cold fusion that I know of are the plasma fusion researchers at MIT. They are afraid that some of their research money will be diverted to cold fusion. They were livid with anger in March 1989. They planted stories in the newspapers, they ranted, they raved, they held a party to celebrate the death of cold fusion, they even reportedly called for the arrest and imprisonment of Fleischmann and Pons. However, the fundamental reason they oppose the research is that they think it is nonsense. If they thought it might be real they would try and do it themselves.

- Jed

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