
The last time I confronted someone who was adamantly opposed to cold fusion was about a year ago. The playing field was the Amazon reader review section. This guy posted something that was so viscous, it was actually entertaining to see how angry the whole cold fusion issue made him. The nature of his post was so nasty that it violated the Amazon guidelines, but I thought it was a great example of the irrationality behind some of the opposition. I was a tough call for me but I did bring it to Amazon's attention and they did pull it down. Funny thing is, the same guy popped up another post a week later. But Amazon ruled, he lost. He didn't try a third time.

If you come across people like this, just remember that if someone is visibly, or noticable angry, they are not likely to be thinking clearly, and they are not likely to consider that they are missing some significant facts, and that the facts they do possess are largely out of date.

I say, if they're not interested, move on. There are plenty of other people who are.


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