Jones wrote...

>Freedom took a hit on that day, but it died on the operating table
45 days later - on October 26 - the day Congress passed, without
reading, an onerous piece of legislation called the USA Patriot
Act... snip... >From the ashes of that day rose the Patriot Act,
the single-most dangerous piece of legislation ever devised by an
American politician, passed by Congress or signed into law by a
President. In 342 pages, the act dismantled the Constitution,
wiped out due process and eliminated the traditional privacy
protections of all Americans.

Read this well and over again.. the truth is that it is the truth !! Without constitutional law , we are reduced to voicelessness.

Will congress curtail any of the Patriot Act in the next session.. Elitist power, once attained, does not surrender easily. Read the Patriot act and shudder. Scary stuff


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