This article was brought to my attention on another list.
I thought it would be of interest to those who followed
the vortex discussion on humming bird flight earlier this year.

BTW, the article mentions "added-mass force". Does anyone
know what that means?


Secrets of bee flight revealed

16:57 28 November 2005 news service
Helen Phillips 

Combining robotic modelling with slow-motion videos of airborne honeybees
may have helped researchers explain the curious aerodynamics of bee flight.
Aeronautical engineers had previously ³proven² that bees cannot fly. So
Michael Dickinson, an insect flight expert and colleagues at Caltech in
Pasadena, California, US, decided to investigate the forces actually at work
during honeybee flight.

In 1996, Charlie Ellington at Cambridge University, UK, showed how vortices
rolling along the leading edge of many insects¹ wings were a vital source of

Most flying insects beat their wings in large strokes ­ typically flapping
in arcs of 145° to 165° at a frequency determined by body size ­ to generate
aerodynamic forces sufficient for flight. But this cannot explain how a
heavy insect with a short wing beat, such as a bee, generates enough lift to

Exotic forces
Dickinson and his colleagues filmed hovering bees at 6000 frames per second,
and plotted the unusual pattern of wing beats. The wing sweeps back in a 90š
arc, then flips over as it returns ­ an incredible 230 times a second. The
team made a robot to scale to measure the forces involved. See a video of a
bee in a flap, here (5MB, .avi format).

It is the more exotic forces created as the wing changes direction that
dominate, says Dickinson. Additional vortices are produced by the rotation
of the wing. ³It¹s like a propeller, where the blade is rotating too,² he
says. Also, the wing flaps back into its own wake, which leads to higher
forces than flapping in still air. Lastly, there is another peculiar force
known as ³added-mass force² which peaks at the ends of each stroke and is
related to acceleration as the wings¹ direction changes.

The work may help engineers design rotating propellers or more stable and
manoeuvrable aircraft. But ³it proves bees can fly, thank God², adds

Journal reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (DOI:

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