On Saturday 26 November 2005 03:06, thomas malloy wrote:
> If you thought Iraq was expensive, just wait.
> Hellyer warned, "The United States military are preparing weapons
> which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an
> intergalactic war without us
> >I can only conclude that the Aliens have vast stockpiles of petroleum.
> This is a nonsequetor. I also think that this entire scenario is nonsense.

     Why on Earth [haw, haw, haw!] would any alien want anything to do with
the likes of us.  We pose no danger as most of what passes for scientists
here are in full worship of Einstein and therefore passionately believe 
without question or comment that everything he ever said or wrote is 
gospel.  These folks actively seek out non belilevers in order to can them 
from their jobs and to ruin their careers.  As such, Earthmen pose no danger 
to whichever species of aliens are around as humanity will never even be 
allowed to publicly seriousely think about star travel as long as these 
dogmatic obstructionists hold the planet's scientific establishment in total 
thrall to this idol. This, of course, will suit other religions that hold 
that we are the only sentient 'children of god' in the 'universe of god's 
creation'.......oh!....I mean intelligent design!  
   We are really stupid.  The philosopher who said that man is a creature 
capable of reason was French, I believe.  Reason is a skill we practice more 
in the breach than in the observance.  Some of us are bread on the window to 
be taken at any time and obviousely have no judgement on how to either save 
or forward ourselves.  Some willfully encourage their own destruction.  
Britain and all of Europe including Ireland is about to be turned into an 
icebox like northern Siberia within 10 years if the weathermen are right 
about the gulf current oscillation shutting down due to an influx of 
meltwater from the northern polar regions and Greenland glaciers.  
   The only energy that will save even just save them from freezing now in 
their homes is nuclear.   The Irish who will be the very FIRST victims of 
this calamity of bibical proportions are officially on record as opposing 
nuclear power, any nuclear power.  The increased use of chemical fuels in 
Europe will only increase the greenhouse gas load that caused them the 
problem in the first place and deepen the problem into permanence.
  Given man's conflicted nature and unwillingness to find unity, it is 
reasonable to suppose the anti-nuke greens will happily litigate their whole
population, themselves included, into the vast graveyard that Europe will
become.....including the lawyers that made the puny fists of these luddites
effective legal [lethal] weapons.  Only the French will survive, and maybe
not even them for long unless they blow up the Channel Tunnel and 
put troops on borders with green Holland and greener Germany.  The French 
had the foresight to build nuclear power to 70 percent of their base needs.
   The French were capable of reason.......and USED their reason!
   If there are any 'aliens' out there, they must indeed be laughing at us.
In any case they would likely not be 'interglactic[sic] visitors', but rather 
would be from the local stellar neighborhood.  There would be no real
reason for intergalactic peoples to visit a system outside the galactic belt 
of easy availability of transuranic elements.  And the supply line to support 
any planetary colonization and reformation project would be impossibly long 
and unsupportable if any locals objected.  Local stellar neighborhood peoples 
WOULD object to such an invasion of their sphere of influence and/or 
usurpation of resources that for whatever reason they consider theirs.   
   The foolish American president could impotently try, if he liked (for a 
photo op), to use the air farce stategic air command on an alien nation that 
could simply divert the orbit of a in-system small asteroid to effect its' 
'final solution to the human problem'.  The locals have left us alone so far.  
As far as humans fighting them, the Soviets have already given them enough 
provocation over the last few decades besides actually getting in a lucky 
shot with a missile over Kapustin Yar in 1948.  And bringing one of the cigar 
shape variety down!  
     Dumb American politicians don't have to keep Roswell secret!
    The Russians KNOW the truth!
    But as long as we stay preachin' ourselves to death, we pose no threat or 
competition for this system's resources........which we SHOULD consider ours 
and we SHOULD explore and mine.  We may be wanting to build some labs that
we should locate on a remote asteroid just in case we invent something 
potentially useful but dangerous if mishandled, like a stranglet or a black 
hole......minimize and isolate the damage.

Standing Bear


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