Sexual 'immorality'!  What a catch all term misused by hypocrites!  How about
the wife of Lot.  She was in the Old Testament which is really the Torah.  She 
was killed merely for looking back on Sodom.  For LOOKING fer cats sake.  Now 
comes ole Lot himself.  He boffs his own daughters so they can have kids.  
Nowhere in the Old Testament (torah) is this decried as not 'moral'.
Yet the old testament (torah) is very specific about 'men lying with men'.
Seems as the kinds of relationships that do not reproduce get called 
   Reach a little further.  Where in the world did the women come from for
the children of Adam and Eva....sorry.... Eve to mate with to 'begat' their 
descendants?  What kind of origin had these people?  Obviousely God did not
'make' them or he would have said so!  Holy books....inspired by God...etc.
                ////SO WHO MADE THEM?////////////

Most Abrahamist religionists cannot answer this to the logical satisfaction of 
anyone, but are quite capable of becoming belligerent and increduluous that
anyone would 'dare' question their dogmas.  Religion is all about 'faith', for 
without faith, its' existance could not logically stand..

With all this thinking about the Da Vinci code, somebody is going to think
someday about the human genetic code.  Vast stretches of it code for nothing 
yet are quite stable.  What code is  buried there by our bio-engineers, if 
any?  Religionists be very afraid, especially Abrahamists.  There are other
people in the world, not of the four main branches of Abrahamism 
(Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Bahai) who are happily looking into this right
now.  With computers today obeying Moore's law, it is only a matter of time.
This cannot be classified, it is in every gram of our bodies.  These 
researchers all over the world and out of reach of restrictive laws cannot be 
told it is a weather balloon or the planet venus at the point of a gun to 
their families, like Roswell was suppressed.  Time will tell what they find.
May just find a vast reference, some of which may have military value....along 
with our real evolutionary history.  Lots of incentive for all nations to 
study.....quickly.   For many reasons!

Standing Bear

On Sunday 04 December 2005 20:52, OrionWorks wrote:
> > From: thomas malloy
> ...
> > And Steven Johnson responded
> >
> > >John Luc, in a huff, storms away shouting over his shoulder that he
> > >refuses to >believe in the possibility that the Universe is run that
> > >badly.
> > >
> > >You are in good company, Thomas. As you can see, even great star
> > >ship captains >experience their own moments of terror.
> >
> > Well Steven, what to you think of the prophesized theocratic
> > monarchy, is it your worst nightmare?
> I doubt the universe is run that badly.
> See comments below.
> > >>  B: There is a wrinkle in physics which will allow us to
> > >>  vacation in distant galaxies the way we now vacation in
> > >>  the south pacific..
> > >> [My being of the opinion that this if as fanciful a scenario
> > >> as anything published in Amazing Stories, has no connection
> > >> to the World View of anyone who sees reality through this
> > >> paradigm. -- Reinserted by svj]
> > >>  If it were to
> > >>  come true, we would be a blight on the galaxy,
> > >>  just ask the Native Americans.
> > >
> > >As astonishing as this might sound, I tend to agree with you on this
> > > one.
> >
> > No Steven, I'm not amazed at all. No one get out of bed thinking,
> > what can I do to make a the world a worse place today? It doesn't
> > take a rocket scientist to realize the fact that we are a blight on
> > the world, and that we are poisoning ourselves. The greatest problem
> > that we face is not chemical pollution however, If we started
> > cooperating, and stopped poisoning ourselves with consumerism and
> > militarism and sexual immorality. We could remake the earth into a
> > paradise. but this can't happen because of human evil. The continued
> > existence of humanity is contingent on the expiation of evil. The
> > expiation of evil however requires that it be defined, that's where
> > Torah comes in.
> Well... so much for remaining in agreement with you.
> It is a wise person who can co-exist in harmony with the religious beliefs
> of others no matter how different they might be when compared to his own.
> Problems arise, however, when those nursing their own prejudices and fears
> use the pretext of adhering to the texts of a sacred "religion" to justify
> their need to maintain their disapproval of others, their religious
> beliefs, and life-styles.
> Thomas, you tell us the world would be a "paradise" if we started
> cooperating with one another. I agree, but then, you tack on additional
> requirements, like ridding the world of "consumerism", "militarism" and
> "sexual immorality." Well, personally I'm not too fond of "consumerism" and
> "militarism" either.
> But what about "sexual immorality?" Who defines "sexual immorality?" I
> presume, for you, what constitutes "sexual immorality" is defined in your
> personal interpretation of the Torah where you often seem to run back to in
> order to get all your discomforts answered. It would seem that everything
> for you is explicidly explained in exquisite detail in your interpretation
> of the Torah as if its contents were actually an elaborate Instruction
> Manual on how to live from sun up to sun down.
> Speaking of "sexual immorality" you've let it be known in the past that you
> disapprove of the homosexual life-style. Tell me, Thomas, does the Author
> of this Instruction Manual tell you he will eventually get around to
> expiating homosexuals, like the couple my spouse and I've known for years
> who live next door to us, the couple who pay their taxes like you and me,
> the couple who recently completed a fantastic remodeling job on their
> humble home, the couple who have lived in a stable and loving relationship
> with each other for 17 years - like I hope I'll be able to accomplish with
> my spouse, the couple whom I have occasionally borrowed gardening tools
> from, the couple who occasionally comes over to share dissert with us, the
> couple who comes over to feed our cats when we are away on a weekend, the
> couple who because they are gay can not get health insurance to cover their
> life-partner in the same manner that I can for my spouse?
> If your personal interpretation of that Author plans on expiating
> individuals like our gay next door neighbors I would have no problem
> telling him point blank (that is, to his face) that he is a narrow-minded,
> cruel, and bigoted creature and I'll have nothing to do with his
> administration. And if that creature then decided to expiate me for
> uttering blasphemy at least I would have the satisfaction of knowing that
> my last seconds of existence were spent standing up to a cruel and
> heartless bully. I'd rather not exist in a Universe that is so badly run
> that Arch-Tyrants feel justified in expiating my neighbor simply because
> they are gay.
> Tell me, Thomas, what specifically is it that homosexuals do that makes
> your interpretation of that Author so uncomfortable that he must expiate
> them rather than following the Golden Rule? Is your Author incapable of
> loving thy neighbor as thy self?
> Actually, Thomas, I'm not so much in disagreement with the Torah or its
> Author as I am of your personal interpretations.
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson

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