leaking pen wrote:

Pardon, but i was responding to Mr. Wesley,


You often top-post and, in the message in contention, you did not include a greeting.

That combination is an almost sure-fire way to confuse people regarding exactly to whom you think you're responding, because your response is floating in the air, all alone, at the top of the message with no tag of any sort to indicate the recipient.

Since you didn't say "Dear Mr. Wesley" nor give any other indication that it was Wesley, not OrionWorks, to whom you were directing the words, and since the message to which you were responding was from OrionWorks, his conclusion that he was the antecedent of the "YOU" in your message does not seem especially unreasonable.

In the face of the onrushing night of Unreason the non-holy-rollers in the group should strive dilligently to avoid squabbles among themselves, and keep in mind that the goal should be to work together to retain a few candles with which to negotiate the darkness.

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