This technology started out with a bad reputation in the USA since it was
carrying cold-war baggage. There were some notable scams. The good was
swallowed up by the bad.


It's too bad because it is similar to spin coupling phenomena and SPP, which
is related.


Anytime something comes along with FTL as part of the package, watch out. If
you want to be taken seriously with any new technology - never, ever claim a
light-speed anomaly. 




From: Bob Cook 




That a very interesting summary article about torsion fields, a phenomena
with which I was not familiar.  Thanks.


The information (data) collected from stars that appear to be transmitted at
a rate many times the speed of light is very significant. Why is this not
reported in this country?


Research from the United States is conspicuously missing--suggests that the
technology is a "black technology".  What do you think?  


It looks like Parhhomov is quite aware of the spin-torsion field connection.
And this suggests a spin coupling in the these LENR reactors that has not
been discussed to my knowledge.  Also the connection with high electric and
magnetic fields associated with geometry is interesting.  


SPP's of course produce high magnetic fields (and, if your believe the
article, large torsion fields with influence on spin/angular momentum.)  


You could expect such from WIKIPEDIA. I am beginning to think that WIPIPEDIA
is a US govt. sponsored scheme along with the US Patent Office to keep black
projects black.  (That's the most cynical I have been this year.)



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Jones Beene <>  


Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2015 10:22 AM

Subject: [Vo]:torsion


For Terry and anyone who followed the mainly Russian claims on "torsion
fields" many years ago, check out the last name in the second paragraph


Here is the Wiki entry, which is a bit unfair in lumping the good and bad
science - together to make it look all bad.



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