> The temperature reading in the thermal camera is basically calculated through 
> the Stefan-Boltzmann Law (‘backwards’) and on the input emissivity. The 
> erroneous temperature and emissivity are then cancelled out when calculating 
> the radiated power through Stefan-Boltzmann Law. Right? 

I haven't looked at the specs for a while (since the first hotcat test), but 
the Optris calculation of the temperature isn't a simple function of the 
temperature. The way they describe their calculation, it seems to be the sum of 
a number of calculations with different powers of ... something. 

The only way to find out which direction it goes with emissivity would be to 
point the optris at a known temperature source, enter a range of emissivities 
and see how the predicted temperature varies. 

The MFMP folks should be able to do that during their callibration. 

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