
The Cherenkov radiation I have seen is primarily blue.   It is associated with 
the high energy particles emitted from spent fuel in a water storage pool and I 
think is associated with the slowing down of the particles in water, as you 
suggest.  I also think it is associated with the neutrons that come from the 
decay of fission products.  The charged particles are slowed down in a short 
distance.  The neutrons cause the bluish glow at a distance from the source.  
This may also be due to scattering of the  blue light which is not absorbed 
like red in the water.   

I would agree that the EM radiation that is caused by either charged particles 
or neutrons is broad band as you suggest.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: Eric Walker
Sent: ‎Saturday‎, ‎February‎ ‎7‎, ‎2015 ‎9‎:‎20‎ ‎PM

On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 1:49 PM, <> wrote:

I have a different question altogether. How does one distinguish between
Cherenkov radiation and light emitted by recombining ion - electron pairs?
(Where fast particles are responsible for creating the pairs.)

I believe Cherenkov radiation is broadband.  I read today that it is 
distinguishable, nonetheless, from bremsstrahlung.  In the case of 
bremsstrahlung you need noticeable acceleration (e.g., a bending motion or a 
collision), whereas Cherenkov radiation arises from constructive interference 
when a charged particle exceeds the phase velocity of light in a medium.  So 
you can distinguish the two in the case of a relativistic heavy ion.  In that 
case the trajectory of the ion will be straight (so no bremsstrahlung) but it 
will give rise to Cherenkov radiation.

My understanding is that Cherenkov radiation is broadband because the fast 
particle slowly decelerates, leading the frequency at which constructive 
interference to change over time.

Please carefully vet anything I have said here.


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