> From: thomas malloy 
>> And Steven Johnson (OrionWorks) [posted]:

Greetings Thomas,

Again, I'm guilty of contributing additional OT bandwidth... see below:

> I posted;

>>> I found the response to this thread interesting, it was
>>> as if I'd been subscribed to a religious list.
>> I think you're right on that one. (Some are complaining about this 
>> too! They might have a point.)

> I surprised by the number of posters who have sided with my side

Really? Who?

>> And then, there's the phrase: Accept no other god other than
>> me as the true god.

> Exactly

And which brand name is that?

>> It would seem that within your perception of reality Satan
>> is indeed a very clever fellow.

> He's the one who started this mess. Then there is his
> writing, which is quite persuasive. OTOH, he repeats the
> same themes. The occult, if you don't know what you're looking
> for, you'll never see it, but if you do know what you're
> looking for, you'll never miss it.

Ok, Thomas. Enlighten me. What [themes] should I be looking for?

>> It would seem that, for you, brand loyalty is worth
>> fighting for (I'm not speaking in the most literal terms
>> here), where the final body count is everything.
>> How do you know you've chosen the right brand?

> I'm a sheep of Israel. I was chosen by G-d.

With all due respect, Thomas, surely you can come up with a better response 
than that for IBR, (Intelligent Brand Recognition).

Sheep are routinely collected for sheering. Later in life, as they approach 
retirement age, they can look forward to being slaughtered. G-d chose this line 
of work for you?

Obviously, you are speaking in symbolic terms. But here's my problem, Thomas: 
It can be insanely difficult to figure out when you speak literally and when 
you are speaking symbolically, particularly since you have stated for the 
record that you're a creationist, and as such, you seem to take a lot of 
so-called historical events literally. It's obvious you're NOT a sheep - but 
what about the rest of the symbolism?

> I've been listening to Peter Gerstein, the UFO Lawyer being 
> interviewed on C to C AM. He has the same blind stop that you
> do Steven.

Feel free to elaborate in detail on what my "blind spot" is. This is your 
chance to set the record straight, Thomas. I have often described what I 
perceive are your blind spots, and as such, it is only fair that you receive 
equal billing.

> His URL is www.pagenews.info . 

BTW, the above URL is a broken link. AFAIKT there is no web site with the above 
URL. Googling the phrase "Peter Gerstein UFO" retrieves up one or two tepid 
hits, one being:


> He realized that this is a closed system, ergo UFO's are
> based in this solar system. I'm sure that he would agree with
> me that humans, in their present evil form, equipped with a 
> F T L drive, would be a blight on the universe. He claims to
> have read all the books on UFO's but he pointedly didn't
> mention Jacque Vallie, George Noory mentioned him, and
> Peter ignored it. Anyone who has read the books knows that
> the replilians are blood sucking liars. 

Which books are you referring to, Thomas? UFO books and/or research attributed 
to Jacque Vallee? [Note spelling of last name] Your comments are highly 
confusing, if not grossly misleading. You seem to be implying in the above 
wording that Jacque Vallee believes that aliens are both reptilian and "blood 
sucking liars." Really?

IMHO, Jacque Vallee is one of the best UFO researchers around. I've read most 
of his books on the UFO phenomena. I would also highly recommend the reading of 
"Forbidden Science." IMHO, it is by far one of his best publications consisting 
of Vallee's own personal diary notes recorded during an fascinating time in UFO 
research [and documented suppression] back in the 1960s. That is why I state 
for the record that your comments (as stated above) are highly confusing if not 
downright misleading. In fact they are just plain ludicrous. 

> He has also fought
> the establishment in court for the release of documents
> related to the phenomena, he was thwarted by their pleading
> national security.  He can also see that things are 
> rapidly coming to a head. If he is right, we will enter
> the final seven years on Dec 21. OTOH, he doesn't believe
> in the Biblical world view. Given the similarity of your
> world views, you might be interested in subscribing to
> his newsletter.

Specifically what "world views" to do you suspect I might share with Mr. 

Steven Vincent Johnson

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