Having titanium hydride as hydrogen carrier may not be so good
because the H2 will come to an equilibrium between Ti and Ni. And the H
lading will be lesser. 

Better is to pre load the Ni. 

On Tue, 10 Feb
2015 15:42:01 +0000, Bob Cook  wrote:   

Dave, Jack, etal-- 

I concur
with Dave's comment. You want negative temperature feedback, at least in
the range of temperatures you want to operate. The same idea is used in
the dynamics and control of slow neutron, water cooled fission reactors.
The objective in this reactor is to keep the flux of slow neutrons
constant with power requirements. More neutron flux provides more power
and higher coolant temperatures. As temperatures increase more power can
be withdrawn from the coolant leading to a larger differential
temperature across the reactor. The cooler portion of the reactor
produce more power than the warmer portions because a lower energy
neutron has a better chance of causing fission in U-235 than the higher
energy ones (hotter ones).  

However one objective for the neutron flux
(which is a spectrum of slow and fast neutrons) is to assure the fast
neutrons do not get the upper hand on power generation and cause a
prompt criticality and a runaway reaction. Fast neutrons have a very
short time constant for their multiplication and are not able to be
effectively controlled once prompt criticality occurs.  

This analogous
situation may occur in the MFMP reactor. The controlling parameter
resonant responses of the NAR to temperature or some other variable, for
example, wave nature of the Li g Cookas and/or the hydrogen gas needs to
be determined and then controlled. That is the development objective for
any viable reactor that I think Rossi has achieved.. 

Bob Cook 

from Windows Mail 

FROM: Jones Beene [1]
SENT: ‎Monday‎, ‎February‎
‎9‎, ‎2015 ‎11‎:‎03‎ ‎AM
TO: vortex-l@eskimo.com [2]  

Couple of more
details of interest: the hydrogen release of TiH2 starts at 350 C but
the compound is a poor storage material for hydrogen, as a general rule,
since the last hydrogen will not be removed easily. However… hydrogen
transport could be less important than "participation" in the reaction …
Here is an old paper which indicates that titanium itself is very active
for LENR, so it would be the ideal carrier for hydrogen which also
participates in the gain. 

http://www.lenr-canr.org/acrobat/DashJexcessheat.pdf [3] 

Simply use
more of it. It is inexpensive. The magnitude of excess heat is said in
the paper above to be greater for titanium than for palladium ! 

David Roberson  

That is good Jack. Perhaps it is less intuitive but it
captures the behavior of these types of devices very well. If the slope
enters a negative region then the positive thermal feedback wins the
battle and the device heats up rapidly. The curve also will indicate
whether or not a second high temperature region of stable operation is

Your present design would be classified as a type 1 system in
my analysis since the slope of that curve never enters into a negative
region. Once you push it into a type 2 or 3 system the fireworks will
begin. That is where Dr. Parkhomov is operating with his latest version
that is somewhat insulated. It is going to take a lot of effort and good
design for him to keep these stable.

I modeled this curve according to
the behavior of a tunnel diode. Since the voltage is analogous to the
temperature and the power input analogous to the current it makes
perfect sense. You can determine how to design tunnel diode oscillators
or switches from that basic curve. I see the same thing happening with
these LENR devices. I also realize excellent correlation to my previous
computer models.



[2] mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com

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