You brought up a subject that has been on my mind recently.  It would be better 
to have an ECAT that operates about half way between the two under discussion.  
The Hotcat is too hot to handle while the normal ECAT runs a bit too cool.

One that operates at 500 to 600 C would be perfect for electricity generation 
and would not require the exotic materials.   Heat transfer between the device 
and a working fluid would become fairly traditional at the modest temperatures 
as well.   I suppose the main function that would be lost is the future direct 
conversion of heat into electricity which is likely much more efficient at the 
higher temperature.

As you seem to imply, Rossi never mentions the Hotcat in any of his blog 
entries other than saying that the replication by Parkhomov is interesting.  
That might be due to his continuing desire to keep folks from researching more 
typical ECAT type devices.

The work by Parkhomov is showing a great deal of promise and the results of his 
experiments are beginning to shine light upon the internal processes, at least 
in the Hotcat design.  I suspect that the same basic concepts are acting within 
the regular ECAT as well.  My favorite thermal feedback curve should apply in 
either type of device so it will be easy to understand when the feedback factor 
reaches an interesting level.

There remains plenty of fight left within the Parkhomov replication for all of 
us to remain entertained.  I look forward to the release of the most recent 
data.  It is going to be exciting to figure out how to keep one of them under 
adequate control when it is designed to operate with a negative resistance 
region included.  Type 1 is too simple and the COP is too low.  Give us a solid 
type 2 and we can begin our celebration.  :-)





-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 12, 2015 3:34 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Possible advantage of running dogbone type reactor at 181 C

BTW – one of the mysteries of Ni-H or more precisely, Ni-Li-H - now that a 
robust high temperature version has appeared, and seems to have been replicated 
by Parkhomov - is why anyone would be interested in the low temperature 
version. The low temperature version would be relegated to mundane space 
heating, as opposed to higher value-added applications like transportation. Yet 
Rossi himself seems to have abandoned the HT in favor of the original version 
-- and the infamous blue box, which only produces hot water and wet steam.
One answer to this enigma is that Ikegami’s reaction, using liquid lithium and 
protons in a resonance mode at the lithium phase change - will actually produce 
a higher COP than the hot version - even if the base reaction is limited to a 
maximum of around 181 C. 
That is a bit ironic, if true. It all depends on how much one believes Ikegami 
et al.
Obviously, Ikegami is “hot fusion carried out at warm temperature” instead of 
cold fusion, and he sees MeV particles – which doesn’t happen in cold fusion - 
so the gain is much higher. That is a semantic distinction of course, but it 
also differentiates devices like the Farnsworth Fusor from LENR. The Fusor is 
hot fusion carried out at warm temperatures”.
In the case of Rossi – a preference for a reaction that was controlled to a low 
temperature, such at 181 C would explain “wet steam” and a few other things as 
being necessary to see the high COP. Who knows?

This is Curt Edstrom's report of his efforts to find a thermal anomaly in Ni-H, 
notably mentioning Ikegami and liquid lithium. Liquid lithium seems to be a 
topic of current interest in LENR, due to the major experimental efforts of 
Ikegami and others over the years – and another aspect of the “Swedish 
connection” to LENR.
I have the same interpretation of Ikegami’s work with a proton beam as does 
Edstrom. Ikegami finds a massive 10^11 increase in reaction rate of a fairly 
low energy beam, achieving breakeven condition; but only so long as the lithium 
is precisely at the melting point. If the temperature is much in excess of this 
– the rate of reaction falls by a factor of 10,000:1 and is nowhere near 
That need for maintaining a temperature at the melting point of lithium does 
not make much sense from a physics perspective, but nevertheless this is one 
interpretation of several extremely well done experiments.
The lesson of this finding applied to the “dogbone genre”, assuming Ikegami is 
correct – is that this reaction could be adapted IF:
1)      LiAl4 is avoided - since the alloy will not release lithium easily. 
OTOH at its melting point, the same result could take place.
2)      Use lithium in a form which will release lithium metal at low 
temperature (many choices for that including the metal itself)
3)      Lithium metal melts at 181 C – so run the reactor at precisely this 
temperature using temperature feedback from the thermocouple to keep a constant 
temperature level and sampling many times per second.
4)      A proton “beam” (of natural sort) will appear when protons are 
accelerated from various hydrides - having found a Rydberg “hole” equal or 
greater than 54.4 eV. 
5)      Notably iron has two such IP levels - and helium one – and since the 
ash (end product) is a perfect fit for 54.4 eV – this indicates the possibility 
of positive feedback which needs to be carefully controlled. 
The main problem with this suggestion is that the reaction should produce two 
alpha particles, which accelerate at high speed on beryllium-8 fission, which 
should cause secondary x-ray radiation as they thermalize, which is not seen. 
However, if helium is detected at all - in the ash of a low-temp-dogbone, then 
Ikegami could become the new savior of LENR.

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