Papp had no product? Au contraire! He had a working atomic submarine and made a 
solo trip from Europe to Canada in 13 hours. He even wrote a book about it. 
Anyone read it?
Hundreds of Fathoms: Who was Josef Papp?

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| Hundreds of Fathoms: Who was Josef Papp?Josef Papp was a Hungarian-Canadian 
engineer who in 1966 claimed to have built the worlds fastest submarine with a 
speed of over 300 MPH.  |
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     On Friday, February 27, 2015 3:31 PM, Lennart Thornros 
<> wrote:

 Hello Axil, I do not know much about dark matter but I hope your insight is as 
good when it comes to the general statement about inventors. Unfortunately 
there is another factor contributing to the problem (I think it is a problem 
that needs a solution) and that is the factor of secrecy / the patent illusion. 
I also think like you that Mills has no interest in a product rather a nobel 
prize.I hear that LENR is proven and that there is no doubt any longer. As I 
mentioned above I do not have the capacity to evaluate the many theories and 
how they fit with the experiments. I do believe there is something - call it 
overunity, which is proven. However, I have no clear feeling for that COP's of 
10 or even 5 is achieved. Seems all experiments are coming with several 
ambiguous test methods. If the COP is low and the difficulties are large and 
require sophisticated design combined with expensive reactors the breakthrough 
will not come fast.Lots of clever engineering will be required. The only 
solution is a more open and organized effort to do this engineering. For 
inventors a ROssi it might be a catch 22. If he does not give away the 
knowledge to a group big enough to reach result quickly he will not live long 
enough to benefit to an enormous reward and if he share the cake might be 
smaller.I had hoped to  see more action from AR's partners toward a product. 
Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648
“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to 
excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM
On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

Rossi is right, the important thing is the product...all else is chatter. 
Without a product, you have nothing.Joe Papp had a working over unity energy 
device a half century ago. The Papp engine was verified, certified, demoed, 
patented, and whatever else was necessary to give his investors a warm feeling 
but Papp never placed his invention into production. Why, because Papp could 
not produce a product and he did not want to produce a product. Producing a 
product is far harder than producing a prototype. Most genius engineers don’t 
want to meet all the regulations and requirements necessary, endure all the 
heartache, feel all the pain necessary to get a product to a buyer.There are 
few Bill Gates and Steve Jobs in this world. Mills makes a good life tinkering 
with his prototypes and writing his theories. He cannot produce a product or 
down deep in his heart he does not want to be bothered with a product and so he 
joins the other chattereres as Rossi is apt to say.


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