I have always thought that R. Mills has succumbed to a simplified
imaginative misinterpretation of his experimental data. When it comes to
understanding what is going on with electrons, imagination at these small
dimensions is oftentimes used to construct a model of reality that is not
correct. Because of the limitations of our senses we have no other
alternative: our minds eye must suffice.

At nano dimensions, things that look like atoms are not really atoms, Free
electrons confined in a small volume look and behave like electrons in
orbit around atoms, but these electrons are really only artificial atoms
with no nucleus what so ever.

The quantum dot is an example. A number of electrons confined in a quantum
well look and behave like they were orbiting a nucleus, but inside that
well there is only electrons. The compounds that produce quantum dots exert
force on the collection of electrons to keep them confined that mimic the
fores that the nucleus uses to confine electrons in their orbits.

Certain chemical compounds can readily form nano particles. The structure
of these quantum particle aggregates and there reflective surfaces of their
internal structures can both constrain electrons and light as well as form
an irregular reflecting plane where light and electrons are bent
alternatively by interference and amplification to form a circular path
where interference exactly counteracts non linear amplification to force
the electrons and light to follow a circular path inside a small volume of
space. These electrons form vortexes and their orbits around the vortex are
quantized. A energy is pumped into these electrons their orbits around the
vortex shrink in size. The electrons that orbit around the vortex tend to
take on the same energy and annular momentum and a soliton is thus formed.

This strange form of EMF is a boson and is not constrained by the Pauli
exclusion principle. The annular momentum of this light and electron hybrid
or SPP is an exact fraction of the wavelength of the SPP. As energy is
pumped into this nano volume, the annular momentum of the SPP goes up in
quantum steps. 2, 3, 4... When this vortex of pure EMF finally fails, it
gives off its accumulated power as photons of black light in the extreme

The intense ultraviolet light of sonoluminescence is formed in this way
when nanoparticles of water form a vortex.

I believe that the experimental evidence of this quantum well type of
mechanism is what R. Mills is misinterpreting as a hydrino. But the
artificial atom so formed has no nucleus to produce the EMF annular
momentum that Mills sees in his experiments.

The big difference between the hydrino and the SPP is that the SPP is
accepted and studied by science. I also believe that this water based nano
particle behavior is what Joe Papp used in his first 1966 version of the
Papp engine.

>From this misinterpretation of these goings on in subatomic reality, R,
Mills has created his own world that exists only in his imagination.

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 8:38 AM, Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Too interesting to let it for later:
> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.ro/2015/03/randy-millss-sunday-lenr-later.html
> LENR sleeps a bit more in the weekend, but...
> Peter
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania
> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.com

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