I have taken this position previously but not wrt relative motion, AFIK there 
isn't any relative motion in these type of drives but I agree that shape is a 
big part of it in that it unbalances the reflected RF trapped inside the 
container in a nonspatial way from the perspective of an observer outside the 
enclosure. I don't know if this is quantum effect of  nano geometry between 
dissimilar sized microwave mirrors or a field effect where standing waves 
become tapered. IMHO this is not the kind of relativity derived by relative or 
equivalent motion in a Pythagorean relationship with C - where time is slowed 
relative to stationary observer because the near C object is accelerating 
through the ether [rainstorm of virtual particles] or sitting at the bottom of 
a large gravity well where the ether is passing thru it at near C relative to 
the ether experienced by the stationary observer not in a deep well. This type 
of relativity [Shayer EM type] IMHO is instead due to a warp [not well] where 
the isotropy is broken in the opposite direction and time is accelerated. The 
Casimir cavity being the easy example -IMHO the longer vacuum waves/larger 
virtual particles are still present between the Casimir plates - they only look 
shorter/smaller because time dilation is occurring between the plates [a tiny 
hydrogen observer would be unaware that it has been shrunken and accelerated ie 
hydrino]. My point is that pooling these dilation areas such that radiation 
passes thru them repeatedly without passing thru the equal and opposite regions 
necessitated by their existence can unbalance the radiation pressure in seeming 
violation of equal and opposite reactions but in reality there is a 
transformation between time and space where something becomes older in exchange 
for spatial thrust.

That's my theory and am sticking to it :_)

From: Sunil Shah [mailto:s.u.n....@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 5:47 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:prototype for "only" $99,000

Ion propulsion?  Microwave radiation thrust?  No, it's relativity!

Quick quote: "Just as today no one realizes that you can use the effects of 
relativity to create propulsion. Namely, allowing the effects of relativity to 
absorb the extra momentum of a system of moving charged elements."

>From their kickstarter page:
"The Effects that the SDF Drive Exploits to Generate Thrust
Their still seems to be some misunderstanding on what effects that our device 
exploits to create thrust.Electric fields change their shape depending on the 
charge holding object that holds the charge and the relative velocity that the 
charges are observed from. This effect gives us the magnetic field, when these 
changes are observed outside of a conductor flowing an electric current. This 
change in an electric field is caused by the same force that gives us time 
dilation and apparent length contraction. This effect can't be altered any 
amount of energy. So by using it to generate thrust you are in fact exploiting 
an infinite energy source.

We are able to exploit this effect by using the fact that different shaped 
charged objects have different electric field changes when they are in relative 
motion. An example is a charged sphere has one kind of an electric field change 
due to its relative motion. A square would have a totally different set of 
changes to its electric field.

So if a charged square was close to and in relative motion to a charged sphere, 
the sphere would see a different set of forces on it than the square would see. 
The momentum of the system would change. The current view of physics today is 
that this is impossible. Just like the belief that heavier than air flying 
machines are impossible. No one realized that you could use air pressure to fly 
and change the momentum of the flying machine by using its environment to 
absorb the momentum. Just as today no one realizes that you can use the effects 
of relativity to create propulsion. Namely, allowing the effects of relativity 
to absorb the extra momentum of a system of moving charged elements."

From: s.u.n....@hotmail.com<mailto:s.u.n....@hotmail.com>
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: RE: [Vo]:prototype for "only" $99,000
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2015 23:18:24 +0100
Their Feature description for the drive says "Operates in a vacuum and at 1 ATM"

... I seem to recall a test was finally conducted on one of these ion 
propulsion devices within a vacuum chamber and the propulsion effect... 
disappeared. IOW, such a propulsion mechanism will not work out in the vacuum 
of space. Thus, it's not a space propulsion device. Does anybody remember the 
conclusions of that analysis?

And are we absolutely sure the same physics is involved here?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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