I think you are right that it will be some time before we reduce taxes. I
will take a step back and say 'no personal taxes'. Yes, we need some
government and the best form of taxes is VAT in my opinion.
I think we went from talking about how to finance research on this tread. I
cannot agree with any of the established party. Ideologically I can hear
pieces I like from both sides. However, it is always just talk. Therefore I
can see positive in the Scott Walker interview. He takes a stance and he
does not back down. I am not making any statement about his persona as I
have even less knowledge about him than I have about Trump.

I do not know who make the statement about your job. I assume it is some
kind of generic statement and not directed to your performance. I know
little about what you did for the state. In many cases the job could just
have been done under the umbrella of a private organization. I cannot say
that being the case with your job but I will assume so for the sake of my
argument. Then I think it had been better if the state had let the job be
performed by a private entity instead. My reasoning requires a little book
but in short.
1. We know that changes are coming and they come faster and faster.
2. We know that large organizations (the government being larger than
large) has problem to adopt to new requirements.
3. In a way that makes government (and trade unions) the most conservative
organizations there is.
4. You spent 36 years in a job and that was norm a couple of generations
ago. Not today we need to change several times during our career because
jobs disappear and jobs are changing and new opportunities must be nursed.
5. We also have tremendous capacity to handle information and cooperate.
6. My conclusion (there are more reasons but to keep it short) is that
small flexible organizations that can work together with other small
organizations one project at a time is far more effective than trying to
restructure large overhead inflexible organizations into new short lived

I agree that rich organizations or individuals have far more influence on
how government is run than they deserve. In addition they have ulterior
motives. Trade unions and Donald trump contributes nothing to the political
process as I see it.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros

+1 916 436 1899
202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM

On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <
orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

> > I agree with no taxes.
> I wouldn't keep my hopes high on that matter being addressed to your
> satisfaction.
> Keep in mind what Benjamin Franklin had to say on the subject:
> "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
> http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/b/benjaminfr129817.html
> As a matter of disclosure, and just so you know where I'm coming from: As
> a democrat (mostly) and a liberal at heart I find myself much more aligned
> with Mr. Rothwell's recent commentary. On a related matter, as a recently
> retired Wisconsin state employee having worked for more than 36 years in
> service of Wisconsin tax payers it concerns me deeply that there seems to
> have been a carefully crafted relentless campaign funded by very rich and
> powerful conservative figure heads who for the most part would prefer to
> obfuscate their actual intentions. Many of these obscure groups seem to be
> doing their best to imply that my 36 years of services, as well as the
> services of my colleagues had been, in truth, a drain on the economy.
> Unfortunately, too many appear have actually bought into such a belief.
> See what Scott Walker back when he was first running for governor of
> Wisconsin said he would do as recorded in a private meeting with some of
> his financial backers, including a billionaire donor in attendance. One has
> to ask, why did Mr. Walker not reveal to the public what he privately but
> quite openly revealed to his rich financial backers concerning the matter
> of what he planned on doing after he got elected.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXPCl-1a9ZM
> We need a healthy government, one that is accountable to the people, not a
> government that is in the process of being hijacked by rich and powerful
> corporations that don't have to follow the same financial campaign rules
> individuals must abide by.
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> svjart.orionworks.com
> zazzle.com/orionworks

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