

I may not have time to do justice to this topic before next week, but let me 
throw out another deep connection to the Lalik paper – which may come as a 


One of the most intuitive minds in the field has advised me to pursue the work 
of El Naschie for understanding the universal importance of these oscillations. 
Since I do not know much about Cantorian space-time, Nonlinear Dynamics, 
Fractal Einstein Gravity, Phi, etc – it may take a few years of intense study 
to overcome this deficiency … J


From: Peter Gluck 


Dear Jones,


I agree with you that this is a paper of crucial importance .

And it is ignored totally by those colleagues of our community

who still are convinced that the PdD ssytem is the key of understanding all 
LENRs including those potentially useful.

May I ask to write a guest editorial for Ego Out showing how you understand

interpret its essence. 

Thank you in advance.



The Motto of the respective issue of Ego Out will be probably:

You can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring 
reality.”  (Ayn Rand)


Jones Beene wrote:

Robin did not mention it, but apparently he had this exchange with Lalik three 
years ago

Which means that Lalik was way ahead of things back then. Too bad that he has 
not been taken more seriously. BTW the reference for the Lalik paper is: 
“Oscillatory behavior and anomalous heat evolution in recombination of H2 and 
O2  on Pd-based catalysts”

From: Jones Beene 

This paper is extraordinary.

Yet it is receiving almost no attention. It could be the most important paper 
since 1989, not just for the fringe but for all of physics.

The author appears young, but has an excellent CV. He has been a specialist in 
calorimetry for decades.


Has the mainstream already stepped in to effectively silence this guy?



Dr. Peter Gluck

Cluj, Romania

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