Black Holes and Quantum Entanglement

In Natural Philosophy on October 5, 2011 at 3:24 am

Note to regular readers–apologies for not writing all month. I have been
really busy with my research in the mathematical domain. My ongoing work is
on the question of the persistence of quantum entanglement around rotating
black holes. This is interesting because, first of all, no one understands
by what underlying mechanism entanglement works. I outlined it my post on
the nature of reality, but let me give a shorter explanation here.

Entanglement for soccer moms

Suppose you have two fair coins. Imagine that every time one comes up heads
the other comes up tails, i.e., they are perfectly correlated–even though
they still have probability 1/2 of coming up heads individually! This is
basically the case of maximal entanglement. Of course, we don’t observe
this with coins but that is because of decoherence so that the probability
of this happening with coins is vanishingly small. What is crazy is that
this actually happens with quantum phenomena like spin, as has been
verified experimentally innumerable times. No one knows by what mechanism
such coordination takes place so this is a very mysterious phenomena. One
would like to understand it better.

Rotating black holes

Theoretically, it’s clear that entanglement persists at arbitrarily large
distances in flat spacetime. Might this be true for curved spacetime? This
is quite relevant since we quite obviously live in the domain of general
relativity (GR). In fact, our GPS devices would be a few hundred yards off
if they did not make GR corrections to Newtonian mechanics. Essentially,
one wants to know if this works the same way in spacetimes that are exact
solutions to Einstein’s equations of general relativity. Mathematically,
rotating black holes are just an interesting example of such spacetimes
with just enough symmetry to allow for analytical solutions (Crucially, the
Dirac equation for spin-1/2 particles separates into purely radial and
axial equations which can then be solved explicitly.) [Nerd alert: This has
to do with the existence of Killing-Yano tensors, which not only guarantee
the separation of variables, they also ensure complete integrability–which
means that the number of constants of motion that exist equal the dimension
of spacetime. For a freely falling particle these are the rest mass,
energy, angular momentum and the surprising fourth first integral called
Carter’s constant which comes from the Killing-Yano tensor as well.]

Now, one would like to investigate whether entanglement persists in the
extremely curved vicinity of a rotating black hole, maybe with one particle
inside the event horizon? The point being that the resolution of each
particle’s spin is then independent of the curvature of spacetime
(gravity). Or, more interestingly, that it gets entangled with the black
hole itself.

Since the spin of a particle couples to the curvature of spacetime,
spin-spin entanglement spills over into entanglement of spin and momenta
which are both described by the spinor representing the particles.
(Entanglement is expressed by both particles having the same wave function
which is just a spinor in differential geometry.) A rotating black hole has
a very interesting feature. The event horizon is the boundary of the black
hole–from which even light, and therefore nothing else (current results
about superluminal neutrinos aside) can escape. There is another horizon
outside it called a Killing horizon. Between these horizons, in what is
called the ergoregion, you have to rotate with the black hole; it takes
infinite energy not to. I suspect that this spilling of spin entanglement
into spin/momenta entanglement reaches a limit as one hits the Killing
horizon and enters the ergoregion. However, this is an open question.

The vicious interior

The interior of a rotating black hole is considered unphysical.
Mathematical physicists literally call it vicious, which is a technical
term for a region where time travel is possible. In fact, the situation is
much worse. One can go from any event–a point in spacetime (t,x,y,z)–to any
other event in the interior by going enough number of times around the ring
singularity (it is quite literally a time machine). However, the case with
one observer inside and one outside is still of purely mathematical

As fascinating is the (mathematical) existence of wormholes. In a maximal
extension, one wants to account for the entire history of all photons
(light rays or null geodesics). Now Kerr spacetime (an isolated rotating
black hole) has a maximal extension with an infinite tower of spacetimes
smoothly connected by wormholes.

Information loss

The topic under discussion is of course related to the question of whether
information is lost inside black holes. Do we lose the information
contained in the internal degrees of freedom of particles that disappear
inside a black hole? We have good reason to believe that information
contained in any physical system is conserved. Hawking and Thorne had a bet
with Preskill and Don Page on this. Hawking conceded the bet in 2004,
prematurely in my opinion.

So far

What I understand so far is that one can correct for the curvature of
spacetime and recover the entanglement in this regime. It is mathematically
nontrivial–a hard and messy exercise in differential geometry, but so far
it seems doable. Things are moving quickly and the hope is that we will
have an explicit demonstration soon and move on to investigating the

I hope you found this as fascinating as it seems from the trenches.

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