> From: thomas malloy 


Setting the "Mysteries of Life" aside for the moment...


You quote Dennis Prager:

> The Liberals (Socialists) have no respect for the freedom of speech 
> which goes against their world view, witness what has happened 
> (banning of politically incorrect and religions speech) were they 
> have gotten power, the Communist countries and most universities, 
> Dennis Prager.

My spouse and I have been invited over to our neighbor's house for a Christmas 
eve dinner. We will meet their parents, have turkey and consume other wonderful 
things to eat as well. We will bring the Jewish bread, calla, as our 
contribution to the culinary celebration. I'll take a moment to pet their kitty 
and complement him on the large ground squirrel he caught the previous summer. 
I'll admire our neighbor's sparkling aluminum Christmas tree which I have been 
told is a shade of pink. Pink aluminum Christmas trees, I understand, are 
collector's items these days, and would fetch a pretty price on eBAY. The 
couple we're visiting, John and Fred, (not their real names) have lived next to 
us for close to five years now.

When individuals like Prager finally acquire the decency to allow individuals 
like John and Fred the same God given rights that he assumes God has given 
himself is the day I'll stop considering him to be a hypocrite. 

Steven Vincent Johnson

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