From: Axil Axil 

Jones Beene wrote:
The big news this month in LENR theory could be “near ambient polaritons” .... 
But this is definitely hot fusion – with particles in the 10 MeV range.
*       The Sveinn Ólafsson news can reveal some insights into the LENR 
reaction. The LENR reaction produced by the LASER pulse is different from the 
Rossi reaction because it produces high energy protons rather than thermalized 
heat energy. This explosive reaction looks like the reaction that produces 
pressure in the Papp engine and is without heat. It is unlikely that this Leif 
Holmild reaction is a hot fusion reaction. It is more likely a reaction based 
on quantum mechanical entanglement and coherence in a aggregation of hydrogen 

That makes no scientific sense. 

We do not need to dispense with anything so basic as Boyles Law. High energy 
protons thermalize quickly and reliably. Pressure does not magically happen in 
a gas, over and over, without corresponding thermal changes. QM entanglement 
provides the basis for enhanced probability of polaritons, but that increase 
does not in itself relate to thermal gain or pressure change … at least not 
without the all-important “second step” which could be fusion, or that second 
step could be something else. 

If there is something else that you have found, then that needs to be described 
in detail - but it cannot be labeled as QM entanglement alone.

And why persist at invoking a possible scam to prove a dubious point? The Papp 
engine could be the longest running scam in alternative energy. No scientific 
evidence exists that it ever worked, then or now. 

If someone has now found a way to make the Papp engine work, then “stand and 
deliver” and provide the experimental data from a competent test … instead of 
invoking the 50 year old scam. Anyone can hide batteries and motors and make an 
engine seem to turn on its own, so long as there are gullible investors who 
will pay millions … but without real data from an independent test, it’s just 
garbage… like Papp’s other invention, the 300 mph submarine.


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