> Jed says:
> 2. There are hundreds of corporations and probably hundreds of thousands
> of engineers in the world who can do a better job at this than Godes. If he
> would only demonstrate that the effect is real, these corporations and
> experts would be lined up ready to do this job far more skillfully than he
> could do it. Not only will this cost him nothing; they will pay him
> enormous sums of money.

Robert Godes says:

 “We are an engineering company. We are making equipment that companies
should be able to go out and produce things themselves. We don’t want to
produce things; it’s not what Brillouin is about. The company is about
licensing intellectual property so other companies can build devices
themselves. This is an enormous market. There’s no way that one company can
supply everything. How many oil companies, how many miners are there? It
will require more companies than that to fill the need. This makes energy
very inexpensive. The demand for energy is going to expand tremendously
once this technology makes its way to the market. Brillouin will be
licensing the technology.”

Jed, did you not understand the business plan explained here?

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