ISOLDE Seminar

The anomalous heat effect on D/H loaded Palladium: Exploration at an atomic
level, preliminary perturbed angular correlations studies

by Juliana Schell, Vittorio Violante, Graham K. Hubler

Wednesday, 14 October 2015 from 14:30 to 15:30 (Europe/Zurich)


The Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance (SKINR) was created in
2012 at the University of Missouri to perform fundamental research on the
fact that excess heat is sporadically produced during electrolysis of heavy
water on Pd cathodes. We call this phenomenon, discovered in 1989, the
anomalous heat effect (AHE) since its origin is unknown. This talk will
begin with presentation of the landscape of the field of AHE as it is
today, review anomalous heat data, and discuss why local scale – atomic
scale – methods are essential, looking forward, to understand the phenomena
going on. In this context we expect that perturbed angular correlations
(PAC) data may provide clues that would aid developing a model for AHE. The
second part of the presentation covers ENEA’s research of the material
science of cathode preparation, pre and post materials analyses, and status
of the cathode during excess heat production. The third part of the
presentation will review our recent preliminary in-situ PAC measurements
performed at the SSP labs at ISOLDE during the electrolysis in 0.1 M LiOH
or LiOD for 181Hf implanted Pd cathodes at the BONIS – HISKP Bonn
separator. The data for LiOD electrolyte show anomalous, variable high
frequency electric field gradient (EFG) components that appear / disappear
near specific loading ratio of D/Pd that is not evident for LiOH
electrolyte. This high frequency component does not appear in static
samples so it may be attributed to the dynamics of D loading at the 30 nm
implantation depth of the Hf. Details of the data analysis and possible
explanations will be discussed, as well as possible complementary
experiments to further elucidate the findings.

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