Actually, there is a legitimate use of the term "flux capacitor" in regards
to the potentials description of electromagnetism:

E = -∇Φ-∂A/∂t

implies that off the null of a dipole antenna (where there is supposedly no
"field") there is a flux in the vector potential (∂A/∂t) that, because it
is off the null, is without curl.  The oscillating E field in this region,
because it has no accompanying magnetic (∇ × A = B) field, contains no
energy.  How can this be?  It would appear that space itself becomes a kind
of dynamic capacitor consisting only of E-field flux that somehow cancels
out its energy content.


On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 12:33 PM, Harvey Norris <> wrote:

> Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances
> On Monday, September 7, 2015 11:51 AM, " [teslafy]" <
>> wrote:
> (Reposting for margin error, original message is cut off on borders)
> Everyone knows about the "Back to the Future" series of movies. In the
> third one Doc, the inventor of the flux capacitor goes back in time to
> 1885, and on one timeline dies in a gunfight, where his tombstone has
> todays date of Sept 7.
> *'s+Tombstone+picture+on+Back+to+the+Future+3&biw=1280&bih=574&tbm=isch&*
> <'s+Tombstone+picture+on+Back+to+the+Future+3&biw=1280&bih=574&tbm=isch&>
> How weird is it then that the real inventor of the flux capacitor was also
> born today on Sept 7, 1955!
> **
> <>
> From almost 5 years ago...
> *Video records from 10/21/10 , Mystery of the water cap electrode removal *
> ** <>
> One may remember the mystery of cap sharing. If we store energy in a
> capacitor, and then attempt to redistribute that original energy by
> connecting another equal capacitor in parallel; when we measure the new
> amount of stored energy we find that half of it is gone! With a set of flux
> capacitors this should not be true, although I never specifically did that
> experiment. But it follows by logic that if every changing electric field
> produces a ninety degree made counterpart magnetic field, if we put another
> large coil around that changing electric field; we can retrieve this so
> called missing energy. The missing energy is not in the resistance of the
> connection wires in the split cap experiment as some apologetic
> commentators would note. In fact those "save the science" folks would be
> aghast to the fact that no electrical input is made to the field of the
> alternator in these demos, but it is lighting a neon tube! For specifics of
> getting more out then the amount taken see; Video Records from 10/21/10/
> Magnification of 4th coil ending current via capacitive induction
> ** <>
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