a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:

> I would place the primary blame on the school.

Me too, but I think it was an administrator.

>   A technical school and no one there can tell the difference between a
> clock and a bomb?  Really?

Reports say that at least one teacher saw it said it was interesting, and
left it at that. Evidently the principal and the police did not call in an
engineering teacher. I doubt that first teacher or the others were aware of
what was going on. Why wouldn't they have stopped it?

> It seems to me the upcoming generation lacks technical common sense -
> something  I also blame the educational system and culture for.

Plus technology itself is to blame. In the 1960s, ordinary machines such as
clocks and Volkswagen distributors were easy to understand. You could see
the mechanical parts, and see how they worked together. Nowadays everything
is a computerized black box. It works better, but it teaches less.

- Jed

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