You seem intent on distorting my position.  You give the impression of
being naive.  I want school administrators asking those questions.  I don't
want them reacting the way the ones in Texas did.


On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Lawrence de Bivort <>

> So anyone's "concerns" are grounds enough for breaking the law? For
> unbridled bigotry?  Remember the mainstay of our legal system, "innocent
> until proven guilty?"  Or does your fear justify tearing up our
> Constitution?
> Gee. I have concerns about bigots and sadists masquerading as police
> officers. Most officers are decent, caring people. But some aren't.  And
> polygamists! Oh oh. And people who believe that vaccines cause autism.
> Yikes!
> I have concerns about a lot of things and people. But I don't call for
> their persecution because "maybe" my "concerns" might happen.
> A bomb, after all, is a bomb whether it looks like one or not.
> You, Eric, COULD hide your gun in your lunch pail, or in your brief case,
> or the frame of your bike, or truck of your car…. probably not. Maybe.
> Believe me -- I see the nuances. They are the same nuances that cloaked
> bigotry throughout the ages. Anti-Christian bigotry during the roman
> empire, anti-Celtish, anti-Irish, anti-immigrant, anti-native peoples,
> anti-black, anti-Jewish, anti-intellectual, anti-"gook," anti-women,
> anti-Arab, anti-Muslim….it is a long list, but at its heart these "nuances"
> are there to justify anti-"anyone not exactly like me."
> Lawry
> On Sep 18, 2015, at 9:28 AM, Eric Walker <> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 10:21 AM, Lawrence de Bivort <>
> wrote:
> Well, hell, Eric.
>> Will YOU build a bomb next week and kill people?  Probably not. Maybe.
> Probably not.  But just in case, I will not bring something that looks
> vaguely like a bomb to my place of work.  Nor will I bring something that
> looks vaguely like a gun to work.  Because I am aware it might raise
> concerns.
> People are unable to see the nuance in this case.  I'm done trying to make
> any further points.
> Eric

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