
Hopefully more information will become available concerning this effect in the 
future.   I agree that it is becoming possible to place very large numbers of 
devices of this small size on a chip that might make the effect very visible 
and useful.

I would assume that with the cooling would come mechanical engines that utilize 
that sink for the low temperature side of the requirement.  And, direct 
electrical conversion might become useful as well.

My original question concerning the operation of photocells within a constant 
temperature sink led me to an interesting Wikipedia article.  I found that the 
efficiency equation for those types of cells includes a product term that is 
equal to the Carnot equation to handle Thermodynamic effects.  If true, then 
the actual output from an internal photocell would go to zero if it is 
surrounded by a fixed temperature heat sink.  That would explain why no 
electrical work could be generated from the sink thermal energy itself.  It is 
not clear why this Carnot term appears, but it is of the correct level to 
nullify the effect I was seeking to understand.

One interesting though has come to my attention.  In electronics thermal noise 
power has long been associated with resistors and is equal to KTB at a given 
temperature.  In this equation K is the Boltzmann constant, T is in Kelvin, and 
B is the bandwidth.   If you construct a series LC network from this resistor 
to ground AC current will flow through those 3 devices.    The magnetic field 
emitted by the coil can then be seen outside of a highly insulated box holding 
the network.  I would suspect that radiation leaving the coil would be emitted 
into a lower temperature spacial sink.  This might well lead to a very gradual 
cooling of the interior of the box.

The clue to the above system and the LED one we are discussing is that heat due 
to thermal movement of atoms is able to excite resonate systems that can then 
release that energy in a narrow bandwidth electromagnetic form that escapes the 
local environment.  On the other hand, engines that use heat to perform their 
operations tend to be connected directly to the local environment.  The heat to 
radiation conversion leads to the apparent violation of the thermodynic laws in 
these cases.





-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 25, 2015 4:23 pm

This is not exactly a Maxwell’s demon, since there is no discretionary 
filtering. I like your suggestion about thermal peaks being involved and there 
is undoubtedly some kind of resonance. The LED was notably in the IR range to 
begin with. Possibly the Boltzmann tail of the thermal distribution was trimmed 
and captured.
I have been unable to find important update details on this LED. Here is the 
website of the Russian Institute which made the LED:
It is only ~70 picowatts light equivalent. Perhaps no more was said about it – 
due to either finding an error in measurement– or the project becoming “black” 
due to military significance. But otherwise it would be crazy not to pursue 
this with massive effort.
It is worth noting that LEDs are simple diodes and presumably quite a few can 
be put on a chip. A picowatt is one trillionth of a watt, so if one could etch 
one trillion diodes on a semiconductor, then it would be rather impressive – 
with about 40 watts of net gain which is in the form of cooling.
How many discrete devices can be put on a chip these days? My guess is that it 
is in excess of a trillion. 
From: David Roberson 
This discussion is interesting.  Perhaps the existing thermodynamic laws apply 
mainly to black body types of interactions when radiation is associated.   
Clearly the light emitted by an LED is not of that nature.   It is narrow band 
radiation at a level that is much higher in these bands than would be expected 
according to the temperature of the device.

Also, the DC input power contributes a significant portion of the net radiation 
output in a direct conversion process.  This behavior is very unlike most of 
the systems used to derive the thermodynamic laws.  Perhaps there really does 
exist at least this one loophole that can be breached.

A clear understanding of exactly how the random thermal motion within the LED 
can be converted into light at this level of efficiency would be desirable.  
Could it be that the random peaks in thermal energy that follow a Gaussian 
distribution are the key?  Near the thermal peak one might find that a little 
help from the DC source is sufficient to cause electrons to jump into higher 
orbitals.  If enough of these occur in a short period of time a population 
inversion may come into existance which would then drain the excess energy by 
positive feedback and subsequent radiation pulses.  The excess energy would 
have to come from that random thermal motion that was tapped leading to cooling 
of the device.

Is this an example of an atomic Maxwell's demon?

There may be some interesting concepts hidden within this effect.





-----Original Message-----

Notice that this LED has a COP of 2.3… or 230 percent overunity. That implies 
“perpetual motion”.

“However, while MIT's diode puts out more than twice as much energy in photons 
as it's fed in electrons, it doesn't violate the conservation of energy because 
it appears to draw in heat energy from its surroundings instead.” 

When it gets more than 100 percent efficient, it begins to cool down, stealing 
energy from ambient, which is exactly what must happen in any OU device, unless 
there is nuclear reaction pathway or another “supra-chemical” way to convert 
mass into energy.

BTW - If photocells could be obtained which are ~70% efficient, then in 
principle, yjey could be mated to the LED for the proverbial “eternal light” … 
but the output is so low you would need a few million of them to be useful… but 
you get free air conditioning as a fringe benefit J

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