Public Announcement

 On Thursday, October 22nd, 2015 (10:30 AM PDT), Sveinn Ólafsson of the Science
Institute,  Physics Department,  University of Iceland will present a  40 minute
seminar/colloquium at SRI International  (SRI, founded as Stanford Research  In-
stitute) in Menlo Park, California entitled, "Ultra-dense Hydrogen and Low Ener-
gy Nuclear Reactions"  (LENR),  representing research he has conducted with Leif
Holmlid  from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.  The talk will be geared to-
wards a  scientific/technical audience  but Sveinn will make every effort to ad-
dress those that have little or no previous knowledge of Muon/Particle Detection
and Ultra-dense Hydrogen. For about 10 minutes after Sveinn’s presentation, Alan
Goldwater representing the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project  (MFMP, headed by
Bob Greenyer), will present experimental work/techniques being conducted  on re-
producing/replicating results obtained from  researchers such as Andrea Rossi  &
Alexander Parkhomov. The final  10 minutes of the 1 hour colloquium will be open
to asking questions.

 Although there is no  direct evidence at this time that  Ultra-dense Hydrogen/
Materials are responsible for the  replication attempts being conducted by MFMP,
the project  is closely considering  these possible materials  in their  ongoing
open-ended research,  as a cause of anomalous heat in replicating  those experi-
ments,  amongst other explanations.  So far, there is no conclusive  evidence of
anomalous heat by MFMP.

 Originally,  these talks were  planned to be held  at  IBM's Almaden  Research
Center in San Jose, CA hosted by myself,  but a change in venue has occurred and
Fran Tanzella  at SRI International  has graciously accepted  hosting the  talks

 If you  would like to attend the colloquium,  Fran says the conference room is
available  directly from a parking  lot outside the SRI  fenced area.  Since the
conference room holds ~75 people we don’t think space will be an issue,  however
if you e-mail  me with your name/etc., I will eventually pass on a list of names
of attendees  (responding back to you) to Fran.  An arrival time of around 10 AM
should be appropriate.  Here is a Google Maps link  (870 Laurel St., Menlo Park)
at the entrance to SRI’s Building G parking lot:,+Menlo+Park,+CA+94025/@37.4552459,-122.176274,18z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x808fa4ad8270a115:0xcff2fac60e770ffe

 Attendees should NOT come to either the front desk (333 Ravenswood Ave) or the
employee entrance.  If there is no parking in the Building G  parking lot, there
usually is some across the street at the Menlo Park city parking lot.

 Here are identical links to the  actual SRI International Announcement  of the
CML Seminar  (Room G-124)  that has been posted locally  (courtesy of Fran & at-
tached to the end of this document in PDF Form):



 Sveinn will be presenting his research (which he has collaborated on with Leif
Holmlid),  on October 20th, in a 20 minute talk,  at the American Vacuum Society
Society (AVS) Meeting, San Jose Convention Center, in San Jose,  California.  It
is my understanding that he will also be attending the 2015  Fall Meeting of the
APS Division of Nuclear Physics in Santa Fe, NM from Oct 28th-31st.

 Alan will most  likely discuss  current/future experiments  to be conducted by
MFMP during  later conversations.  The  next planned GlowStick Run  is scheduled
shortly after these talks in Santa Cruz,  and will be broadcast live (as always,
along with data)  on the Internet.  Before this next major experiment, a "shake-
out run"  may be performed live.  Stay tuned to the MFMP  Web Pages for more de-
tails, exactly when!

Mark Jurich                                 20151013

   The latest revisions (if any) of this documant are at (identical links):


            Ultra-dense Hydrogen and Low Energy Nuclear Reactions
Sveinn Ólafsson, Science Institute, Physics Department, University of Iceland
               L. Holmlid, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

For over  the last 25 years the science of cold fusion/LENR  has been researched
around the world with a slow pace of progress.  Modest quantities of excess heat
and  signatures of nuclear  transmutation and helium production  have been  con-
firmed in experiments and  theoretical work has resulted in a  flora of possible
theoretical scenarios. [1-2]

Here we present  energy production in  several stages of surface  processes that
result first in the formation of  Rydberg matter of Hydrogen  [3] that can later
condense in a new  ultra-dense Hydrogen phase with 2.3 pm  short bond distances.
This  phase is nuclear active  showing a break-even  fusion reaction  [4]  under
100mW laser pulsing and  slow spontaneous fusion occurring without laser pulsing
[5,6,7]. The experimental work in around 30 publications is briefly reviewed and
latest experimental results presented and discussed.

In that work high-energy particles are detected from spontaneous processes using
scintillation and other similar detectors.  Both spontaneous line-spectra and  a
spontaneous broad  energy distribution similar to a beta  decay distribution are
observed indicating detection of particles such as muons. The broad distribution
is  concluded  to be due to nuclear particles,  giving straight-line  Curie-like
plots.  They are observed even at a distance of 3 m in air and have a total rate
of 107-1010 s-1. In the talk the link of these observations to Low Energy Nucle-
ar Reactions  (LENR) or so called Cold Fusion  will be discussed  experimentally
and theoretically.

1. The science of low energy nuclear reaction.  Storms E.  World Scientific Pub-
  lishing Company; 2007
2. The explanation of low energy nuclear reaction. Storms E. Ienergy Press; 2014
3. Review paper:  Experimental Studies  and Observations of  Clusters of Rydberg
  Matter and Its Extreme Forms Leif Holmlid. J Clust Sci A(2012) 23:5–34
4. Heat generation above break-even from laser-induced fusion in ultradense deu-
  terium Leif Holmlid. AIP Advances 5, 087129 (2015)
5. Spontaneous ejection of high-energy particles from ultra-dense deuterium D(0)
  Leif Holmlid and Sveinn Ólafsson Volume 40, Issue 33, 7 September 2015, Pages
6. Charged particle energy spectra from laser-induced processes:  nuclear fusion
  in ultra-dense deuterium D(0) Leif Holmlid and Sveinn Ólafsson submitted 2015
7. Muon detection  studied by pulse-height energy analysis:  Novel converter ar-
  rangements, Leif Holmlid and Sveinn Ólafsson.  Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86,  083306

                   An Introduction to Live Open Science
           Alan Goldwater, Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (MFMP)

“Live Open Science”  is the hallmark of the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project,
or MFMP.  The group is a loose collaboration of labs  and volunteers from around
the world, working to demonstrate the validity of LENR through totally open rep-
lication efforts. This openness has built a crowd following and a reputation for
high integrity.

After the October 2014 release of the  report for the extended test in Lugano of
Rossi’s Hot Cat, many questions were raised about the method used to measure the
heat output  with a calibrated Optris  infrared thermal camera.  Following  dis-
cussion, MFMP conducted several experiments to test the accuracy of the reported
Lugano results.

Experiment data and video were broadcast live in real time to MFMP  team members
and others,  and all data was posted to a public archive  following each experi-
ment. Subsequent analysis of the data revealed flaws in the Lugano test report.

Several  other experiments have  since been run or  are in progress,  attempting
replication of the Rossi  LENR demonstration reactor and a similar one  shown by
Alexander Parkhomov.

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