Discovering possible new forces in nature is no mean task. The discovery of
gravity linked to Newton's arguably apocryphal apple experiment has
remained anchored in popular culture. In January 1986, Ephraim Fischbach,
Physics Professor from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, had
his own chance to leave his mark on collective memory. His work made the
front page of the New York Times after he and his co-authors published a
study uncovering the tantalising possibility of the existence of a fifth
force in the universe. In an article published in *EPJ H*, Fischbach gives
a personal account of how the existence of the gravity-style fifth force
has stimulated an unprecedented amount of research in gravitational physics
- even though its existence, as initially formulated, has not been
confirmed by experiment.

Back in the late 1980s, Fischbach and colleagues reanalysed data from a
classical physics study, known as the Eötvös Experiment, comparing the
accelerations of samples of different chemical compositions to the Earth.
His interpretation went against previous understanding, suggesting that
acceleration varies depending on the elements' chemical composition. In
theory, this force would coexist with gravity, but it would appear in an
experiment in the form of a gravity-like long-range force, whose effects
would extend over macroscopic distances. It was attributed to the exchange
of any of the ultra-light quanta, which are predicted in theories that
unify all existing forces under a single, consistent theoretical framework.

About thirty years of research later, there is no evidence for the
existence of any deviation from the predictions of standard gravity at any
distance scale. Nor is there any experimental confirmation for the original
model for a fifth force, which would be proportional to the number of
baryons in the interacting samples. However, it remains possible that a
different kind of fifth force, of a different nature than originally
envisaged, could still exist. Meanwhile, this hypothetical force
<> has led to the development of many new
theories and novel experiments. For instance, it has stimulated the quest
for new macroscopic fields of gravitational strength, and provides another
means of studying high-energy physics.

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There has been a concept recently introduced by the AIRBUS people in LENR
thinking called "Dark Gravity". This force is a rethinking of the general
theory of relativity to include the concept of negative energy in the
formulation of einstein's equations. The concept of negative energy came
about in Dirac's formulation of the electron  theory at relativistic speeds.

The concepts of the tachyon explains how the removal of all quantum
uncertainty from the inside of a black hole produces negative energy.
Negative energy is absolute "nothing". this negative energy is also
negative matter. Time runs backward inside a black hole as a result of an
accumulation of negative energy.

Negative energy flips things around. Feynman said that a positron is an
electron that is traveling backward in time. From this ground rule of
quantum mechanics,  negative energy flips the charge of the electron around
when the electron goes backward in time. Negative mass also flips the
direction of gravity around from attractive to repulsive.

When the LENR reaction is underway in matter where tachyons are produced in
micro black holes, those tachyons produce a repulsive force that counters
the force of gravity. This  repulsive force is called "Dark Gravity". This
might be the fifth force that is being produced in matter when LENR is
active in various chemical compounds when certain catalytic processes are

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