See how causality is protected in LENR

On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> All the mesons produce will be identically the same. This is seen in the
> Holmlid meson decay timing. All the mesons hit the detector at the same
> instant.
> Should read
> All the mesons produce will be identically the same. This is seen in the
> Holmlid meson decay timing. All the mesons *decay products* hit the
> detector at the same instant.
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 3:54 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> "one might expect to see a spectrum of EM  radiation from the Holmlid
>> setup."
>> All the mesons produce will be identically the same. This is seen in the
>> Holmlid meson decay timing. All the mesons hit the detector at the same
>> instant.
>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 3:50 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>> The vacuum may well be involved. When a meson is produced, a negative
>>> energy version of the meson must also be produced via a closed time loop.
>>> But this negative energy version(or anti particle) is sent back in time via
>>> the vacuum. This particle in the past must be discarded to preserve
>>> causality. So the vacuum act like a trash can to take care of the bad stuff
>>> produced by the LENR reaction.
>>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 3:40 PM, Bob Cook <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Fran and Jones--
>>>> Thanks for those explanations.
>>>> However, I would bet that the US Patent Office would not agree with
>>>> such an invention, if zero point energy were mentioned.  They would
>>>> classify in the same category as perpetual motion machines.
>>>> Nevertheless, I understand from Fran’s comment that the positive
>>>> kinetic energy “motion” of virtual particles in the vacuum are harnessed to
>>>> provide potential energy to make heavy hydrogen, which in turn decays to a
>>>> lower energy state via real EM radiation.  If the heavy hydrogen increased
>>>> its size by increasing the kinetic energy of its electron, it would be an
>>>> endothermic reaction I think and not what we are talking about.  Is this
>>>> correct?
>>>> The endless reversible reaction Fran suggested would not seem to entail
>>>> the release of EM radiation to heat the real surroundings, if energy is
>>>> conserved between the vacuum and the real surroundings in a reversible
>>>> reaction.
>>>> One other thought/question considering this thread—what dense hydrogen
>>>> energy levels are involved in the reaction?  The lowest energy state and
>>>> the highest one? or are there transitions between any of the dense hydrogen
>>>> states?  If it were transitions between various energy states, one might
>>>> expect to see a spectrum of EM  radiation from the Holmlid setup.
>>>> Bob Cook
>>>> *From:* Roarty, Francis X <>
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, October 29, 2015 12:08 PM
>>>> *To:*
>>>> *Subject:* RE: [Vo]:Re: Casimir, ZPE and Holmlid
>>>> [snip] But in effect, if the hydrogen does not escape, the energy
>>>> which can be extracted by chemistry is endless (if the source is the
>>>> quantum vacuum).[/snip] which is why I tend to call it zero point energy
>>>> since it is effectively harnessing random motion to move the hydrogen
>>>> between the DCE regions that allow this endless chemical reversible
>>>> reaction. Still very similar to the original premise behind Lyne atomic
>>>> furnace and the MAHG..
>>>> *From:* Jones Beene []
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:53 PM
>>>> *To:*
>>>> *Subject:* EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:Re: Casimir, ZPE and Holmlid
>>>> *From:* Bob Cook
>>>> Ø
>>>> Ø  Fran and Jones suggested that the source of the excess energy
>>>> described  by Holmlid is of a chemical origin (electronic potential
>>>> chemical energy of dense hydrogen) and not nuclear potential energy long
>>>> ago stored in the reactants.
>>>> First part of answer: The Dynamical Casimir Effect was first observed
>>>> in 2010. It is real, but that does not necessarily provide all the answers.
>>>> The following is paraphrased from various sources.
>>>> The basic concept for LENR, is that the electronic chemical energy of
>>>> dense hydrogen, with mass-energy in the range of 630 eV per H atom, is
>>>> created by DCE. One way this can happen is when SPP interact with a Casimir
>>>> cavity or pit. The electron becomes delocalized and possibly relativistic.
>>>> However, it is also demonstrated by Holmlid that dense hydrogen can
>>>> produce strong nuclear or sub-nuclear gain in other circumstances, aside
>>>> from chemistry. Whenever gamma radiation is seen in an experiment, it is a
>>>> good indication of the “other circumstances”. The DCE modality only applies
>>>> to gain from chemistry and electron manipulation. The soft x-rays are easy
>>>> to miss.
>>>> One of the predictions of modern quantum theory is that the vacuum of
>>>> space is not empty. In fact, quantum theory predicts that it teems with
>>>> virtual particles foaming in and out of existence. While initially a
>>>> curiosity, it was quickly realized that vacuum fluctuations had measurable
>>>> consequences, for instance producing the Lamb shift and modifying the
>>>> magnetic moment for the electron… and in Casimir force.
>>>> This type of renormalization due to vacuum fluctuations is now central
>>>> to our understanding of nature….From early on, it was believed that it
>>>> might be possible to more directly observe the virtual particles that
>>>> compose the quantum vacuum, or convert them to real particles. 40 years
>>>> ago, Moore suggested that a mirror undergoing relativistic motion could
>>>> convert virtual photons into directly observable real photons. This effect
>>>> was later named the dynamical Casimir effect (DCE)…. we have observed the
>>>> DCE experimentally for the first time in 2011…. In addition to observing
>>>> the creation of real photons, the discoverers found two-mode squeezing of
>>>> the emitted radiation, which is a signature of the quantum character of the
>>>> generation process. End of paraphrase.
>>>> Ø
>>>> Ø  Is the assumption that the laser pre-conditioning of the materials
>>>> in the Holmlid setup allowed the increase in potential energy of the
>>>> reactants which then is later released as EM radiation and hence heat?
>>>> Yes. Most likely there would be a multi-stage process where the laser
>>>> (or another light source) creates SPPs over time, which then interact with
>>>> hydrogen in a Casimir cavity of 2-12 nm in dimensions. As it turns out,
>>>> Shell 105 catalyst is extraordinarily nanoporous. Like a zeolite, but
>>>> ferromagnetic. Curiously, Holmlid fails to realize this porosity 
>>>> connection.
>>>> The net effect is that the electron which once had ionization potential
>>>> of 13.6 eV in the ground state has been boosted to 630 eV of binding energy
>>>> by the DCE. This is an energy increase of about 46:1 per atom and it is
>>>> chemical. But in effect, if the hydrogen does not escape, the energy which
>>>> can be extracted by chemistry is endless (if the source is the quantum
>>>> vacuum).

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