I am conducting experiments on keeping pm magnets in air by interacton of a 
rotating magnet driven by small dc motor.
Stability is basically provided by Mathieu eq. so there would be no 'new 
physics', I think. OTH, it provide new solutions to magnetic levitation by 
achieving stability on six degrees of freedom. I would like to have your 
suggestions on how this work woud be benefitable.
Such a stable coupling between magnetic dipolar bodies excited me by possibity 
of similar interactions could exist in particle physics.
Some of videos are at

While the clear shapes of magnets cannot be seen in videos, mostly Nd 10x10 mm 
cylendrical, 10 mm cube and smaller magnets are floated. In some tests spin of 
floating magnet is locked to base magnet by 1/n ratio, providing  epicycloidal 
patten on floating magnet axis. These can be seen in some videos showing a 
laser beam reflected from magnet flat surface. Base magnets are typically 
oriented in rotating housing almost radially. Motor speeds are in 6000-22000 
RPM range.
H Ucar

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