The so-called rational wiki has a highly inaccurate treatment of cold
fusion. It came to my attention that this wiki includes a description of me: (prop. Jed Rothwell, true-believer in all things

I changed and put a note in the talk section. I noted that I upload
skeptical papers as well as ones in favor of cold fusion. My revision was
reverted back to: (prop. Jed Rothwell, true-believer in all things

I changed it again, as follows: (prop. Jed Rothwell, said to be a "true-believer in
all things cold-fusion," yet who described cold fusion as mainly "schlock
science" and "baloney" during a keynote speech at the University of

As I expected, it was reverted back.

Here's the thing. This is not a question about physics. It is a matter of
fact, easily verified, regarding views that I expressed in a keynote speech
at a major university. Even that is not good enough evidence to convince
the editors at Rational Wiki. Nothing -- absolutely nothing -- will change
their minds, even about the most prosaic facts.

- Jed

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