I believe that brillouin uses a block of nickel loaded with hydrogen instead of 
powder. As long as the density of the active regions is not too great,a 
critical mass is not available.

Their website shows a shockwave traveling through the material which leads to 
the generation of neutrons.This is difficult to believe but that's what I 


On December 4, 2015, at 11:12 PM, Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com> wrote:

If shock waves initiate a reaction how does one control such a reaction.  It 
seems to suggest a rapid chain reaction would happen.  Potentially the shock 
would be confined to a nano region of the fuel based on the particle size and 
shape.  However it seems even a nano chain reaction might cause severe damage 
to the fuel arrangement.  I prefer the idea that the nano particles retain 
their basic shape and size while hosting a reaction.  


Bob Cook  


From: David Roberson 

Sent: Friday, December 04, 2015 1:04 PM

To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 

Subject: Re: [Vo]:Conservation of miracles


Bob, do you consider the Brillouin Energy Corporation technique as being a 
method of achieving LENR?  Since they appear to be impacting the hydrogen 
impregnated metal with a large phonon compression wave, perhaps another avenue 
for reaction exists.  I suppose that we must first accept that they have a 
working system.

If a strong shock wave can initiate an LENR reaction then it seems logical to 
assume that the localized strong shock generated when a spontaneous LENR 
reaction takes place might also have that same effect.   We have discussed this 
issue before but perhaps it is time to give it further consideration.

I have not attempted to estimate the magnitude of the local shock that arises 
during a typical LENR reaction, but it is likely large.  This is due to the 
fact that the energy released is substantial and it occurs within a short time 
frame.  We have been assuming that recoiling by products of the nuclear 
reaction carry away much of the released energy in the form of kinetic energy.  
 Along with that energy is going to be momentum release.  The conservation of 
momentum implies that the total amount of momentum imparted to all of the 
particles must balance out.

One might assume that each recoiling particle would  rapidly accelerate the 
atoms along its path producing a shock wave somewhat like that causing a sonic 
boom.  I can not come up with any reason to assume that this new shock wave is 
relatively small compared to the one due to Brillouin's driver.  So why would 
it not initiate additional reactions in a similar manner?

I suppose we would consider the shock wave due to a single LENR fusion process 
as being due to a dipole shock source since the conservation of momentum is 
operating upon the retreating pair of reactants, assuming 2 are involved.    A 
dipole field should tend to fall off as the third order with distance away from 
the fusing site if it tends to follow typical field equations as the flux 
spreads into three dimensional space.  That tendency would localize the shocks 
volume of influence when compared to a driven source such as the Brillouin's 
that appears to be along one major dimension.

Also, if I recall correctly, shocks such as those caused by lightning find 
their energy dissipating rapidly as energy is absorbed by the atoms of air 
along the travel path.  This lost kinetic energy can of course be in the form 
of randomly directed heat.  I suspect a similar behavior due to a single LENR 
fusion event.  Even though the energy is lost very rapidly, the momentum 
remains intact.  In the case of thunder a return pressure pulse follows the 
initial shock spike and is much slower acting.  When the return pressure pulse 
is competed the air returns to its original state although with additional 
thermal energy.

Please understand that I am speculating in this post and assuming that the 
Brillouin system operates as specified.   Also, the interactions among the 
multitude of active locations within a nickel-hydrogen system should exhibit 
effects due to the shock coupling I am discussing.   We should further discuss 
how that arrangement should lead to positive feedback and thus an enhanced LENR 
reaction rate beyond what is expected in it's absence.   It is also not too 
difficult to visualize a chain reaction of sorts being possible unless some 
other mechanism dampens it out.  I encourage other members of the list to 
submit their ideas concerning this possible process and its interesting 





-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Fri, Dec 4, 2015 2:22 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Conservation of miracles

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From: Bob Cook 


>>>No other “single miracle” reaction of deuterium has yet been proposed to 
>>>meet this criterion, since the excess energy is generally way too large to 
>>>hide with any alternative explanation such as fusion or spallation. <<<


I suggested long ago that deuterium fuses to form He within the FCC Ni lattice 
and distributes excess energy as spin energy in the Ni electronic structure 
without the damage and radiation associated with high kinetic energy of the He 
daughters.  That’s one miracle.  




What you describe is two or possibly three miracles. 


The first miracle is that deuterium will fuse in a Ni lattice at far less than 
the threshold energy necessary for nuclear fusion. 


The second miracle is that the well-known mass difference and high level of 
excess energy – 24 MeV does not occur immediately, in the form of gamma 


The third miracle is that the more probable fusion reactions of deuterium – 
which normally happen with the release of neutrons or tritium, either of which 
are easily detectable, never happen at all.




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