One needs to focus.
Happy new year.
On Dec 31, 2015 5:21 PM, "Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson" <> wrote:

> After having been kicked out of Dr. Mills Yahoo Classical Physics group
> earlier this year I came to the realization that I should probably spend
> more time focusing on my own personal research work rather than wasting
> endless hours indulging in circuitous conjecture that never gets resolved.
> Resolution will only happen when (and if) Dr. Mills can pull his CHIT
> technology together and demonstrate a working prototype that generates
> electricity from the breakdown of water, some powdered metal, and the CHIT
> catalyst. After that defrocking, combined with some additional
> self-reflection I decided to unsubscribe from Vortex as well. This
> additional self-imposed banishment was also done to help encourage me to
> redouble my efforts to work on my on-going Kepler project. That I have done.
> As 2015 comes to an end I decided to briefly re-subscribe to Vortex...
> just long enough to give a brief update to the Collective on how my
> research is going. So… here goes:
> Back in October I experienced a minor epiphany concerning my Kepler
> research. It occurred at my local Noodles and Co restaurant while scarfing
> down a chicken Caesar salad. I was pouring over some Mathematica generated
> graphics depicting plotted orbital positions and accompanying velocity
> vectors. I suddenly noticed an interesting correlation having to do with
> the two foci that make up a typical elliptical orbit. My epiphany came from
> looking at the following link over the duration of several years. See:
> These simple Mathematica graphics were generated from the physics
> department of College of Saint Benedict (Saint John’s University) located
> in Minnesota. Besides Wikipedia, additional useful resources for
> understanding much of the physics behind Orbital Mechanics can be found at:
> and
> The subtle information pertaining to my personal epiphany is embedded in
> the geometry of the Mathematica diagrams. It’s related to how we apply
> “Kepler’s equation” in order to plot the position of planets traversing an
> elliptical orbit. The new information isn’t obvious at first sight. In
> fact, it took me years to notice the startling new correlation. As best as
> I can tell none of these orbital mechanical websites have carried through
> and rearranged the geometry of some of these Keplerian diagrams in a manner
> that I think Kepler would have eventually found himself doing had he lived
> long enough to do so. Based on my own research I think it wouldn’t have
> taken Kepler not all that much more observational powers to have discovered
> three more Keplerian laws, additional laws that are just as important as
> the 1st, 2nd law and 3rd laws. What stopped Johannes was the eventual
> morality we all must face: Short lives… and perhaps not having sufficient
> computing power at his quill to plot out a few additional theoretical
> orbits to verify certain suspicions he may have speculated about.
> As we all know Kepler’s 1st law of planetary motion states: *“The path of
> the planets about the sun is elliptical in shape, with the center of the
> sun being located at one focus.* (The Law of Ellipses)” Over the
> centuries there has been conjecture as to what might be happening at the
> other (empty) foci. Does this seemingly unused focal point exhibit any kind
> of particular Keplerian law of the same caliber as Kepler’s 1st law? As
> best as I can tell nobody has managed to uncover a unique Kepler law that
> specifically uses the other empty foci in an exclusive manner similar to
> Kepler’s 1st law. Over the centuries respected researchers have puzzled
> over this enigma including Richard Feynman. You can view some of Feynman’s
> ponderings on the matter out at:
> The best representation, to date, that I know of that tries to employ the
> other "empty" foci is the string tied into a loop method which is then
> placed around two separated thumbtacks. The two thumbtacks represent the
> two foci of a hypothetical ellipse arrangement. This allows one to trace
> out an ellipse when a pencil is placed between the two tacks and the string
> is held tight. It’s quite clever in all honesty! Nevertheless, this
> arrangement does not reveal anything exclusive as to what the empty foci
> might reveal in its own right, similar to what Kepler’s 1st law reveals. I
> I think I have managed to uncover the mystery of what the so-called empty
> foci represents.
> I admit it is probably arrogant for me to say this (and it’s still
> possible I may be proven wrong) but I believe I know exactly what kind of
> information the empty foci reveals - in Keplerian terms. In order to
> explain it in Keplerian terms I believe it will be important for me to
> establish three additional honorary Keplerian laws. The first two of these
> new laws are based on well-known orbital mechanical principals. Well… I
> should really say these are mathematical principals well known to those who
> have studied the characteristics of orbital mechanics, but not necessarily
> to the general public. In order to reveal the third new law, the law which
> explains what the so-called empty foci represents, I will need to first
> define these two additional laws as important support to the third law.
> These are laws that in my opinion Kepler, himself, would have published if
> he just had more time, and perhaps more computing power at his fingertips.
> In a sense, it sometimes feels as if I’m doing this in a posthumous
> fashion, sort of in honor of Kepler.
> So, what does the empty foci reveal?
> In a nutshell: *The empty foci reveals velocity vector information that
> is both directly linked and correlated with each planetary position within
> the elliptical path taken.*
> PLEASE NOTE: Do not confuse my use of the term “velocity vectors” with
> what has been defined as “angular momentum.” That is a completely different
> animal – another exotic creature that I might possibly tackle at a later
> date.
> This velocity vector information I refer to is not necessarily obvious at
> first sight – not in Keplerian terms. I need to stress that this
> information is not something that has not already been meticulously
> published nor plotted out in various permutations involving mathematical /
> derivative / integral / parametric equations. In fact, I will need to
> resort to using a number of these known equations in order to computer
> animate the movement of my planets. That said, due to my own initial
> ignorance of orbital mechanics I often ended up having to self-educate
> myself of the basic principles associated with orbital mechanics. This
> often resulted in me in self-discovering certain facts on my own and from
> such an obtuse observational perspective that it’s still possible I might
> end up contributing a few new equations to the current mulligan stew. A
> crucial point I’m trying to make here is that I believe we need to
> rearrange some of the geometry currently used in order to make the three
> new Keplerian laws pop out in glaring obviousness. IMO so much more of what
> currently makes up the fundamental architecture of orbital mechanics can be
> revealed through the use of simple geometry. Doing so, I think, would be
> more intuitively understandable for many. The three new Keplerian laws are
> all there, visually speaking! As I see it, the way we have currently
> exploited some of the mathematical equations used to define orbital
> mechanics has unfortunately ended up compartmentalizing too much of the
> information and in a sense obfuscating what I would describe as an utter
> simplicity I suspect Kepler had intuitively sensed. I hope I can reveal
> some of that utter simplicity within the simple geometry of the ellipse
> itself. I suspect Johannes was endeavoring to do just that, if only he had
> had more time.
> Some Spin Off Speculation: At this early stage, I don’t know if this will
> eventually pan out or not, but the speculated addition of these potential
> additional Keplerian laws might suggest that, in quantum mechanical terms,
> it might be possible to measure BOTH the position and velocity of
> sub-atomic particles simultaneously. According to quantum mechanics as it
> is currently taught, that is a definite no-no. But if both the position and
> velocity could be mapped out simultaneously, could this have useful
> industrial applications?
> It’s going to take me some time to generate the appropriate code and
> animations to do it proper justice. I’ve been working full-time on this
> project since last April. My hunch is that I’m in for the big haul for at
> least another year or two of meticulous analysis and coding before my
> findings are sufficiently refined to a point that it's ready to be placed
> out on-line for others to ponder. Why so long? Hey! Your’re all Vorts,
> right? You should all be aware of the inevitable delays that come with any
> worthy project! Think of Steorn, Rossi, Mills… While most of these
> individuals and/or their organizations continue to show signs of definite
> progress, to the best of my knowledge none of them have yet to break out of
> the pack and sprint to the finish line as the clear winner. As for me and
> my own endeavors, what I’ve learned about retirement is that it doesn’t
> necessarily translate into acquiring oodles of free-time at my disposal.
> One word explains it all:
> HoneyDo!
> In the meantime, I continue to passively check in on the Vortex archives,
> sometimes daily. Typically, I check subject lines for relevance. Next, I
> like to check out what Jed Rothwell may have felt compelled to comment on,
> or perhaps just to simply to announce for the benefit of the Vort
> Collective. If I find both Jed and Jones posting repeatedly in same subject
> thread, I know I'll be interested!
> And now, back to work... and a little NY Eves celebration.
> c u all in 2016!
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson

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