Thanks for the additional explanation and the reference to the 2002 paper.

I'll take the time to read what you've already said about this a bit more carefully before I post any further comment <blush>

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jan 5, 2006, at 11:43 AM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

I don't know if I go along with the fusion speculation, though.

Well, the formation low energy D or 3He by electron catalysis in light water is to me far more palatable than a proton reaction with potassium or other highly charged nucleus. If experimental evidence proves heavy element reaction with hydrogen then we have to accept that (not that I think it is yet conclusive and thus must be accepted.) However, if we can accept that possibility, then it seems almost trivial to accept the formation of D and He3 in light water, or in heavy water T or a neutral 4He* (which is essentially a de- energized quadraneutron) that can form helium or create mass 4 changes without strong signatures.

The degree of de-enrgization at the moment of fusion depends on just how small the de-energized fused particle is upon initial waveform collapse. Given that it can be string sized, essentially all the energy of the reactants is then returned to the vacuum, followed by a permanent energy borrowing to "expand" the strings quantum waveforms to normal size. We thus not only have ZPE fueled atomic expansion, we have ZPE fueled nuclear expansion, followed by atomic expansion of the leptons.

The most plausible possible mechanism you mentioned for the blue glow seemed to me to be the last one, in which the insulating layer, in combination with the solution itself, is said to form a semiconductor LED.

True, but the possibility of *both* types of glow is not excluded  either.

If I understood it, you're suggesting that the insulator+solution might form the equivalent of _two_ reversed diodes in parallel (_not_ series), and the one with the higher resistance and higher forward voltage drop is the one associated with the blue glow.

I suggest that the insulator + solution forms a single diode when the insulator is properly "conditioned". Given two properly conditioned electrodes in an AC cell, they act like back-to-back diodes, and thus act like a capacitor - though one with a bit of a bypass resistor. Given one conditioned electrode and one electrode with no conditioned insulator, the cell acts like a diode. In that case the conditioned electrode is a cathode when conducting, an anode when it opposes current flow. This effect I attributed to low anion mobility in the interphase. Proton mobility is comparatively high everywhere in the cell.

So, the glow shows when the high-drop diode is _forward_ biased, as we would expect from solid state LED experience. (A first glance at this situation, before reading your paper, made it seem like the glow was associated with a _reverse_ biased diode, which seemed harder to understand.)

Er ... at least, I think that's what you said?

No, just the opposite. A conditioned electrode produces the glow when it is reverse biased, i.e. when it is an *anode* in the cell. It is accepting electrons from the electrolyte. It is creating free protons in an extraordinarily strong electrostatic field at its surface. The experimental evidence for this was all carefully described in <> and in the related posts here on vortex around Feb. 2002.

I hope that is helpful - it is not easy to describe these concepts.

Horace Heffner

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