Today I finally unsubscribed and resubscribed to vortex list. Tomorrow I will 
see if the problems clear up. I have noted that I was not receiving any mail 
that I sent in, only responses to other mailings. But I didnt realize how truly 
fouled up things were until today when I went to make a reply to Chris Zell's 
post from Jan 19. I went to reply and perhaps pressed the wrong reply button, 
instead it was the forward icon to the right on yahoo mail. Having made this 
mistake I closed the letter down so I could start all over again. What happened 
next is what pissed me off. It forwarded the letter all right, even though I 
didnt press send. (I guess you have to be careful when using that lever there! 
as the fwd icon also sends the letter.) Anyways it got forwarded all right--- 
all the way to the wild blue yonder and who knows where it went. So when I went 
to start all over again the letter was gone! I checked the spam column and it 
wasnt there either and nothing was in the trash as I recently cleaned my 
mailbox out. So then I went to the vortex archives where I noticed the 
following; 38 entries for that day. Counting the letters in my Inbox with extra 
no.s as replies also added this came to 13 total, which would have been 14 
counting the one that vanished for no reason. Another 4 were in the spam 
portion, and for some reason these were all from H Veeder, although I dont 
recall EVER marking any vortex mail as spam... Maybe if your last name is near 
the end of the alphabet, Yahoo considers this as spam , who knows???? In any 
case the archives had 20 more items that I did not receive in my mailings. So 
now I will keep an eye on what arrives in my Inbox compared to what appears in 
the archives to see if I am receiving everything correctly. I will also try to 
repeat Cris Zells post and make a reply tomorrow as I copied it from the 
archives. But for tonight it is late, and I am tired and disgusted. Signing off 
for now...Harvey D Norris.

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