The distinction between the mild LENR reaction and the more powerful LENR+
reaction could well be centered on the production of metalized hydrogen as
an amplification mechanism of EMF to concentrate and focus LENR activity in
the LENR+ mode.

This may have something to do with the repeated linear strings of graphite
like planes that form the backbone of this crystal structure.

The production of metalized hydrogen requires the application of great
pressure but there are ways to reduce that pressure requirement using micro
particle lattice based and other quantum mechanical amplification methods
to reduce and mitigate pressure requirements to the point where Hydrogen
Rydberg matter (HRM) can occur in the lab or inside a LENR reactor.

This handful of methods each increases the probability of HRM production.
One or two of these methods working alone might not be enough to produce
the level of LENR activity that makes the onset of LENR+ activity plainly
apparent. But as the entire collection of methods cooperates to increase
the pressure of HRM formation, HRM formation is almost a certainty.

There is a goodly number of prominent cold fusion folks including L.
Holmlid, M. LeClair, and Ken Shoulders who understand hydrogen Rydberg
matter (HRM) in detail that believe the HRM has cosmological significance.
That cosmological impact involves HRM as dark matter and producing dark
energy. HRM is virtually indestructible once HRM is formed and becomes

I first became aware of the great strength and durability of this HRM
crystal structure when LeClair explained how the water Crystal could erode
the strongest of substances. The pressure in the thin zone of erosion
contact between the water crystal and the material exists in the range of a
few hundred up to just over a thousand gigapascals depending on the
strength of the material. The absolute limit of the pressure achievable at
this collision interface has not yet been determined. There is no material
that is impervious to erosion from cavitation not even diamond.

In one of LeClair’s experiments, a water crystal ate through 2 meters of
copper.  The water crystal and HRM have the same hexagonal linear string
alignment of graphite like plains. There are many others as of yet
undiscovered hexagonal crystal formations that have exhibited the same
amazing properties as HRM since many fluids produce cavitation erosion at
even greater intensity as water, mercury for example and liquid molten

Cold fusion is just the tip of the HRM iceberg. The as of yet undiscovered
science that forms the basis of LENR has huge cosmological ramifications.
To introduce just a few, this special hexagonal crystal based material
could be producing the nuclear energy that powers the sun. The cold fusion
theorist should gain insight into the nature of HRM from its cosmological

To understand the true cosmological nature, significance, and structure of
HRM, See

This article provides valuable insight as to how HRM works:

Liquid Metallic Hydrogen: A Building Block for the Liquid Sun

Finally, M. LeClair shows that transuranic element transmutation can be
produced by this graphite like hydrogen crystal structure. The key to this
strength is the maintenance of a monopole field that covers the HRM which
is a superconductor at any temperature into the millions of degrees range.

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