Eric etal---

The following is a link to an abridged  book on ferromagnetic resonance.  (Note 
the subject index.)  It has an explanation of Cherenkov Radiation at page 135 
which is part of the abridgement.  Does anyone have a free link to this book?  
I think it would be a good reference to EM drive theory.

Bob Cook

From: Eric Walker 
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: EM Drive(s)

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 1:45 AM, Russ George <> wrote:

  Well since most microwave leak detectors are actually pretty broadband rf 
detectors so most rf can be ruled out, no appreciable heating is seen so no ir, 
no visible light, no massive sound so no acoustic, live lab rats so no ionizing 
radiation, what’s left that might be made and detected???

Are you inferring that no radiation was observed outside of the microwave 
spectrum, or are you reporting a specific claim?


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