From: Bob Higgins
Ø Interestingly, what MFMP found in the assay of its 62Ni sample was that the fraction of 64Ni in the enriched sample was not increased. This is not surprising. The main use of the 62 isotopes appears to be medical. The online information suggests that the starting isotope needs to be relatively free of 64 since it will be irradiated by the medical center into dedicated radioactive isotopes for cancer treatments and so forth. A process to convert Ni62 to Ni63 (Ni63 is the desired long-lived beta isotope) by neutron irradiation would not be able to accommodate much Ni64 since the heavy isotope is converted into a short-lived species, which is too destructive for use in medicine. Unfortunately for MFMP, this means that if the Parkhomov data is correct, the increase in Ni62 in the fuel of Alan Goldwater will NOT be of much help for seeing excess heat. Bummer, because this stuff is expensive. If that scenario turns out to be the case, then my condemnation of Rossi is precisely why we need to be vigilant, and point out the problems of relying on a pathological liar for scientific information. Rossi has a long and sordid history of deceit – even if he is not cheating now. This was evidenced in the TEG work and the two “convenient” laboratory fires, etc. etc. OTOH – if Rossi is found not be cheating in this instance, in addition to an apology from me, MFMP may have the success they deserve to find with the Rossi-isotope which they have obtained at substantial cost. It will be interesting to see which way the evidence falls. Experiment rules! Data rules! Again - Rossi and Parkhomov cannot both be correct and the truth is in the data. You pretty much have to choose in advance, since one of them is wrong. Apparently most readers of this forum think Rossi is honest, but the day of reckoning in nigh. If the active isotope is ascertained by Goldwater not to be 62Ni – the good news would be that there are nickel mines which have high Ni64 content naturally and it will not be as expensive. The likely source of AP‘s fuel, which was enriched by a factor of over 400%, is one of these mines. One might suspect that Rossi knows this too, and he has already stockpiled a lot of the nickel supply which is naturally enriched in 64Ni. That is why he has stated on his blog that the active nickel will not cost more than normal. This scenario also reinforces the notion that Rossi cheated at Lugano in order to hide his knowledge of the active isotope - so as to keep the price from sky-rocketing… as well as keeping competitors at bay by sending them on a wild goose chase with 62Ni.