We should forget about the patho-skeptics (Cude, Yugo), as their tripe is
not worth the time spent reading.  I don't know why such people exist in
the forums unless they are getting paid to help slow development of LENR.
I can't imaging that they get much enjoyment from the time they spend

On the other hand, there are reputable Vorts and scientists among us who,
while being healthy skeptics, are skeptics of Rossi or at least Rossi's 1MW
reactor array and testing.  Ask yourself, why do these folks, whose
opinions we value, have a skeptical vision of the 1MW test?  One answer
that keeps getting ignored is *that these people may be in possession of
additional insider information that the collective, in general, does not

I suggest we temper our expectations for the 1MW test until the actual
announcements are made by Rossi and IH.

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 6:39 AM, a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:

> It doesn't matter what test is performed, the pseudo skeptics will find
> some reason why it might be wrong.  Why trust Fulvio Fabiani and not Rossi?
> So many people who have actually seen and worked on the E-Cat that if it
> didn't work someone would said that.  Yet no one has except Krivit whom I
> read was hurt when he was caught trying to take a sample of the fuel.  The
> negativity comes from those that have no direct, first hand information but
> just speculate how the tests might have been fixed.
> As Rossi said, only the sale of working reactors will quiet the skeptics.
> Let's wait for the ERV's report.

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