This info came from someone who is trying to get permission to post it.


I agree it is distasteful. You don’t have to go to NC State to realize that 
when you lie down with dogs, you will likely get fleas… 


From: Jed Rothwell 

There is mention of a large payment which would have been due, if the test was 
shown to be successful. This could take years to resolve and having it in 
litigation let’s Rossi off the hook for a public disclosure. As Brian Ahern 
predicted, it seems that there never is/was a “customer”… or if there was one, 
it has not yet been revealed… but that detail could loom large, when it gets 
down to basic honesty.


You must be reading the documents to know these details. I guess you paid to 
see them. Can you upload them? Is that legal? (I do not know anything about 
court cases or legal documents of this nature.)


Part of me does not even want to know the gory details.


- Jed


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