If by Professional Engineer, you mean "recognized by a licensing board in
the US", I'll accept the notion, while not considering it in any way
significant. Using "glorified mechanic" does seem like code for something
else, however.

It's well known that only the US has professional engineers, and that a
proper education is only available from US education institution. :-)

-- ST

On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 3:57 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Sean,
> He is a professional engineer in Italy by their standards.
> Until he is licensed in the USA as a professional engineer, he is a
> “glorified mechanic”.
> He is no PhD or Doctor in either country.
> *From:* Sean True
> His curriculum vita: http://www.cobraf.com/forum/immagini/R_123620809_1.pdf
> His registration with the Italian National Council of Engineers: 
> https://www.tuttoingegnere.it/PortaleCNI/it/albo_unico.wp;jsessionid=2B2157893F630F8D03291BDA1DDD3B14.tomcatprogetti?internalServletFrameDest=8&internalServletActionPath=/ExtStr2/do/ricercaRegistro/dettaglio.action&log=false&idDettaglio=FABIO.PENON.PD2311
> Mr Beene may be posing an equivalence being a Professional Engineer and being 
> a mechanic.
> If I were to criticize Ing. Penon's credentials, it would be that he appears 
> to spend a lot of time doing management consulting and not reading gauges. 
> Not exactly "glorified mechanics".
> -- ST
> On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 3:39 PM, a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net>
> wrote:
> Does anyone have a direct reference for Fabio Penon's qualifications?   I
> see him listed in several European sources as: Dr. Ing. Fabio Penon, Ph.D.
> in Nuclear Engineering (with 110/110 summa cum laude at the Alma Mater of
> Bologna-Italy ).
> Jones Beene has stated he doesn't have a PhD and is just a glorified
> mechanic.

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