fri.a.ble is an adjective meaning "brittle" or easily broken - having little
to do with applied heating, as would be expected of "fry-able" if it were a
word. Actually "friable" can have something to do with lack of heat, in

A few of the toughest steels become friable at low temperature and resilient
rubber from tires will become friable - such that it can be reduced to
powder at the temperature of liquid air. These are good metaphors for the
proposition that there is a narrow quantum state where the proton becomes
friable. To further the metaphor, there is common industrial tool for steel
called a "cold shear"- meaning the steel must be cold to be sheared cleanly.
Is the Holmlid effect analogous to cold shearing of metallic hydrogen ?

A friable proton, neutron or both would partly explain the Holmlid effect.
That is to say, a nucleon could have a physical state of extreme density -
in which it becomes friable at ambient temperature, and if subject to a
shearing force (from SPP) it would tend to disintegrate instead of fuse. The
result would be the so-called kaon chain of Holmlid, with the most visible
species being the muon (with half-life several hundred times longer than the
other particles in the chain). 

The end result (of protons being sheared into muons) and dispersing at
lightspeed - is undetectable neutrinos, which can be ignored. Fortunately
there are detectable positrons. The signature of muon decay is 511 keV from
positron annihilation. Unfortunately, so far at least - there does not
appear to be overwhelming evidence of this signature from Holmlid's papers,
but the signal is hard to detect since muons live long enough to travel
hundreds of meters before disintegrating - and do not bunch at the reactor.
The detector must be mobile to a decent job - sampling a bubble, so to

That cold-shear (friable) state of hydrogen could be the one which is
predicated on vastly increased proximity to other like particles - which is
pretty much the definition of the ultra-dense state. Gravity could be
involved, or electro-gravity. But from the massive amount of hydrogen in
stars, we can be pretty sure that lots of heat and pressure, combined, does
not make a proton friable.

As for natural evidence looked at in retrospect, about 5 years ago the Fermi
gamma telescope found indisputable evidence of positrons in hurricanes. Not
many, but they were totally unexpected. 

As an explanation for this, consider that we have UDH forming in the solar
corona, where it cannot shear since it is not friable there, but it is
dispersed and arrives in the solar wind, and is collected in the oceans.
When caught up in hurricanes - the UDH can be sheared. That may be too much
of stretch for you, but the point of this piece is that it is absolutely
necessary - to prove the Holmlid effect - to look for a special radiation
signature at 511 keV.

It is special since it will appear over a large physical area, instead of at
a reactor - which corresponds to the decay bubble of muons - and it will be
weak at any one spot, so the accumulated space must be sampled. This can be
done, but it is certainly out of the ordinary.

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