The only finger your God uses is his middle finger! That is clearly obvious in 
this troubled world.


From: Bob Cook [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 10:23 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Re: Is the proton friable?




I doubt that the final snow flake is determined by the “seed” which starts the 
snow flake (an accumulation of water crystals) growing.  I would imagine that 
the subsequent accumulation of dust particles etc also influence the final 
shape as it grows.  In other words it’s a random growth process resulting from 
the chaos of parameters--dust concentration, wind currents, temperatures, heavy 
or light water molecules, ionizing radiation etc. 

I have considered that your “finger of God” is merely chaos of things created 
in accordance with the various Laws of Nature,  reflecting the thesis of 


Bob Cook


From: Axil Axil <>  

Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 8:53 AM

To: vortex-l <>  

Subject: Re: [Vo]:Is the proton friable?


Bob Higgins question about the size of the hydrogen bonds in metalized hydrogen 
might be best seen in the light of how a snowflake formed from a seed. The seed 
around which a snowflake gets it structure can be microscopic in size and yet 
provide the snowflake with all the instructions it needs to grow into all sorts 
of patterns and symmetries. 


Then there is the patterns stored in DNA that can reproduce all sorts of body 
forms from bacteria to whales. 


Mark Leclair believes that the water crystal, a form of metalized water 
provided the template for the creation of the DNA molecule when a asteroid 
produced cavitation is a protein rich soup. The structure of the water crystal 
and DNA are the same. 


So the way metalized hydrogen forms may be the same process as what created 
life...the finger of GOD.   




On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 5:03 PM, Bob Higgins < 
<> > wrote:

One of the things I don't get about Holmilid's theory for RM formation is that 
the small RM cluster has a 150pm atomic separation, or about 300pm radius.  The 
Fe-K Fischer-Tropsch catalysts typically have pore diameters of 10-20nm, or 
nearly 100 times the size of the already huge RM cluster.  How can this large 
catalyst geometry be responsible for producing UDH almost 100x smaller than the 
original RM cluster?  Experiment has shown that porous F-T catalysts are able 
to catalyze formation of RM.  It is interesting to note that the size of the 
UDH/UDD is much smaller than even the lattice parameters for Fe2O3 which are in 
the 500pm range.

Also, it is not clear to me how currents from RM inside one of these pores 
could produce a "vortex".  The magnetic field is already the curl of the 
current.  If the current (electron or proton) was flowing around the ID of the 
pore, the magnetic field would be a closed toroid.  It would not have extents 
outside of the diameter of the pore because current flow on one side of the 
pore would cancel the current flow on the opposite side.  To be able to create 
a magnetic field that has a larger extent than the diameter of the pore, the 
current would have to be flowing as a tube in the direction of the axis of the 
pore - in which case, what is the current flowing from and to?


Any thoughts on these?


On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Jones Beene < 
<> > wrote:

From: Bob Higgins 

*      What you describe is certainly an interesting and scary proposition - 
that protons could be sheared or broken apart.  However, it is hard to imagine 
a number of thing in this hypothesis and that of Olafssen/Holmlid.  First of 
all, where did the potential energy come from to put two hydrogen nuclei in 
2.3pm proximity? 

My view on this differs from Holmlid and incorporates Lawandy’s view. For the 
sake of argument, consider that SPP are the formative cause of densification. 
They form a magnetic vortex on a surface between a conductor (not necessarily a 
metal) and a dielectric, and if hydrogen is also there, the H orbitals become 
entrained in the catalyst, powering the ring current and leaving Cooper pairs 
of protons as the end product, which can then further group into clusters. The 
hexagonal structure of hematite is critical.

Yes, this requires energy from a flux of photons and is lossy. So the 
cumulative photons would supply the energy of densification. Any excess comes 

*      Second, SPP is an electron resonance at a metal/dielectric interface, 
but the electrons themselves are in the metal (AFIK).  How would these 
electrons that are in the metal (resonant in SPP or not) be complicit in a 
UDD/UDH breakup?


IMO the electrons appear as ring current around the hexagon structure of iron 
oxide in the same way that electrons appear around the hexagonal ring of 
graphene oxide. A “local conductor” has substituted for the metal of the normal 
SPP and that is hematite, which fills both roles – dielectric and local 

*      Thirdly, why would UDD/UDH be stable?

Now that is a big mystery. Unlike metallic hydrogen, which is only stable so 
long as high pressure is applied and maintained, and which is far less dense 
than UDH, what we are probably seeing is a new isomer of metallic hydrogen 
which does not require continuous pressure. 

Holmlid is the expert but his view changes over time and he is probably 
incorrect on some points. Same with Miley, Lawandy, Mills, Winterberg, Hora, 
Olafsson and everyone else who comes into this field with their own background 
and preconceived notions.

IMO – everyone can cherry pick up to the point that a defining experiment comes 
along and this may come from an unexpected source, maybe one of Holmlid’s 
students… who knows? Thankfully there does seem to be a cadre of younger 
researchers, mostly Nordic, getting involved in this R&D.



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